Anyone seeing what I'm glimpsing... new features? :)

:clap WooHooo!!! Either I'm dreaming or smugmugs so very up to it and just not telling us about the new release notes yet. Am I behind times and never noticed some stuff or what? I see 'apply quick price settings' in the create a new gallery area. Yeehaw! Okay this is super fabulous if it works. I'm off to update my templates and then try it out! 
I saw something else new last night but was soooo tired that I can't remember for the life of me what it was. I do remember thinking oh way cool. :thumb
Have a great day everyone,

I saw something else new last night but was soooo tired that I can't remember for the life of me what it was. I do remember thinking oh way cool. :thumb
Have a great day everyone,
Cindy Colbert (Utterback) • Wishing You Co-Bear Love, Hugs & Laughter!!!
Thanks Cindy, you made us all smile here!
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:wow ummmmmmm... how'd I miss it??? where's the release notes? I'm off to find any other details I may have missed. :lol4 Gotta say I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the ability to apply prices when we create galleries. yep yep. Any chance this way cool price dropdown will appear in the custom gallery settings??? huh huh
Glad my duhhhh could bring ya a smile. Have a great evening or sweet dreams whichever it is your time.
EDIT: I've searched the forums, I searched the blog, I searched smugmug help and finnally found some info. Now mind you I LOVE surprizes and really LOVE this one but surely I'm not the first one to notice and comment on this way cool new feature
OK, here's another new thing: I whined last week a little in the process of unraveling some difficulties with the delayed feature, about how it would be SO much easier when viewing order detail to see the filename next to the image thumbnail ordered. Previously I'd have to click on each image and be taken back to the originating gallery in order to see the image number--my proof galleries have lots of similars in them so it wasn't easy to "guess" which image the customer might've ordered.
And it magically got done! Now my workflow is so much easier, print the e-mail heads up, go to sales detail, annotate each filename selected on the printout, and put it in a suspense file in order by due date (and priority). THANKS mucho!
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Thankyou Cindy for reminding me to be appreciative for all of the features that have been added to smugmug.
THANKYOU EVERYONE AT SMUGMUG ! ( im sorry I didnt say this sooner:D )