Is there a mobile-friendly dgrin?
Does the vBulletin software have any form of mobile-friendly presentation that would work well on a smartphone browser?
I've tried to view dgrin through the browsers on a Treo and other Windows Mobile devices and it's pretty painful because the formatting is so horrible for a narrow window. With EV-DO and UMTS networking these browsers are getting fast enough, but the normal dgrin presentation geared for a full screen computer just doesn't work on a smartphone screen.
I've tried to view dgrin through the browsers on a Treo and other Windows Mobile devices and it's pretty painful because the formatting is so horrible for a narrow window. With EV-DO and UMTS networking these browsers are getting fast enough, but the normal dgrin presentation geared for a full screen computer just doesn't work on a smartphone screen.
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That's close to what I need for reading a specific forum, thanks (still missing unread state, but much better than what I had before)!
But, what I do mostly is go to my subscribed threads or new threads and I don't see how to view them yet using the archive, minimalist format. Any ideas?
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How about something like this?
It would be a selectable style.
I can't seem to see all the detail on the vBulletin site without creating an account there and logging in, but from what I could read, it sounds like exactly what I want. I want a different and dramatically simpler skin when using a mobile device. Ideally, the skin wouldn't be attached to my login name, but rather a cookie on the specific device, because I want the current skin when I'm on a PC and the mobile skin on my mobile device and I don't want to have to manually switch everytime I use a different type of computer.
I know I'm probably on the mobile fringe, but is this something that could get implemented at dgrin?
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