Stillness Challenge-thoughts on this??
I found this seed resting on the grass the other morning. I thought it would play well in the challenge, but I feel that it's missing something.
Please offer any ideas, I am wide open.
I do have a few other ideas for entry, which I may post up here for scrutiny, (once I capture them) so I'm not stuck on this one if it's just not gonna work.

Thanks for any and all input, fellow smuggers. :thumb
Please offer any ideas, I am wide open.
I do have a few other ideas for entry, which I may post up here for scrutiny, (once I capture them) so I'm not stuck on this one if it's just not gonna work.

Thanks for any and all input, fellow smuggers. :thumb
Looks like a dead link???
In Safari, (which I use when I'm logged on) I can see the image. I can also see the picture on Internet Explorer. However it doesn't come up when I use Firefox. Just curious which browser you are using?
I have the external links enabled. Here is the image address,
This is a nice capture. I'm curious to see what others you may have in mind. My first instinct on this pic is it looks like it's ready to fall off or be blown off. The shot does capture stillness but feel it is only seconds before it goes away. Just my take. I do like the comp, focus and think it's a great shot.
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
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loose the frame, it just detracts from the shot.
nice shot
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