3 days at a horse show (dialup warning)

wasn't sure whether to post in here, or sports, but since they are animals i chose this one. i was the photographer for a 3 days fjord horse show in minnesota. difficult lighting ( rain, clouds, wind, harsh sun, one side of the ring in shade and the other bright sun) and horrible backgrounds made it a challenge. but i think the participants were happy, since they are used to the crazy backgrounds. here are just a few of the 1100 that i pared down from the 4000 images i shot.

this little girl is part of a 3 generation fjord family, so imagine she's been riding since before she was born. every time she cantered her horse, he had to throw in a buck. she just rode right through it.

this little girl is part of a 3 generation fjord family, so imagine she's been riding since before she was born. every time she cantered her horse, he had to throw in a buck. she just rode right through it.

thanks. is this one better? this is my guy, i am hiding behind him. they get their manes cut every six weeks or so, and if it isn't trimmed and starts to fall over, you have to trim it back to nothing and let it grow out again. the black stripe starts at his forelock and goes all the way down the back through the tail....i just think they are SO cute!
or maybe this guy. his has been trimmed so that the black part stands up higher than the white, a very nice look.
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I particularly like the 4th shot (trotting in the lovely cart), and the bucking pony - as you say, the rider is not phased in the least!
once the mane has fallen over, somehow it loses it's ability to stand up again unless it grows out all over again....and the hair is so thick, it's difficult to keep up. they look really different with a longer mane, but most of us just keep them trimmed.....
here's one with it long.....
p.s. the show manager liked the photos and has offered me the job for next year already
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http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Horses are a great subject to photograph.
Thanks for sharing.
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
Congratulations, Laurie! That's great to combine 2 favorite hobbies in one!!
great photos
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yup, that's him......:)
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