Might use a second read on the english side of my website

Hi everyone,
as some of you already know, I've got a portfolio, in which I've translated the main pages into English.
Here is the last one.
Could you please read the english version and tell me what's wrong or not?
Don't hesitate to read the other pages to tell me if there's any trouble.
Only the weblog is in French.
Thanks a lot!
as some of you already know, I've got a portfolio, in which I've translated the main pages into English.
Here is the last one.
Could you please read the english version and tell me what's wrong or not?
Don't hesitate to read the other pages to tell me if there's any trouble.
Only the weblog is in French.
Thanks a lot!
have a quick look at my portfolio (there's a photolog, too) :: (11-07-2006) experiencing a new flash portfolio. What do you think?
Yes, thanks, I'm referring to... everything.
By the way: give another chance to this link ; I did a mistake typing it...
It's : http://antoinedoyen.net/regardsdafrique/ (this is the last page I've written but other might use a read, too).