Photographically look forward to fall!

Under normal circumstances I hate Fall cuz Winter comes real quick!
But this will be my 1st year with a DSLR for the Fall colors.
Got mine like around October 30th last year and missed all the good stuff by then.
Used my Sony 828 prior to that time with pretty good results.
This year I'm ready! If real life don't hog my time like it does during the Summer! :rolleyes
Some of my past Fall Photo results.
This was one of the last 828 shots I did month before my 10D showed up.

Then the 10D came and I only had a cheapo lens to start with and these were the best I did at the time being so late in the season...

This year I'm ready! Hopefully? :dunno
But this will be my 1st year with a DSLR for the Fall colors.
Got mine like around October 30th last year and missed all the good stuff by then.
Used my Sony 828 prior to that time with pretty good results.
This year I'm ready! If real life don't hog my time like it does during the Summer! :rolleyes
Some of my past Fall Photo results.
This was one of the last 828 shots I did month before my 10D showed up.

Then the 10D came and I only had a cheapo lens to start with and these were the best I did at the time being so late in the season...

This year I'm ready! Hopefully? :dunno

Canon 60D | Nikon Cooloix P7700
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
Then the 10D came and I only had a cheapo lens to start with and these were the best I did at the time being so late in the season...
This year I'm ready! Hopefully?
Glad I inspire someone!
All I hafta do is inspire myself these days.
Just a Amature DSLR user hoping to share the Nature as I see it.
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW