Mac OS 10.4 with Canon Images Browser
I recently had to purchase a new computer.( Mac- OS 10.4)
I downloaded the Canon image browser without any problems, but, when I connect my camera to the computer , nothing happens.
I cant remember from the other time I installed the canon software if there is a setting that I need to change.
Has anyone had this problem?
Im still having a monitor printer color issue as well. Does anyone know what monitor setting im suppost to use?
Thankyou in advance.
I downloaded the Canon image browser without any problems, but, when I connect my camera to the computer , nothing happens.
I cant remember from the other time I installed the canon software if there is a setting that I need to change.
Has anyone had this problem?
Im still having a monitor printer color issue as well. Does anyone know what monitor setting im suppost to use?
Thankyou in advance.
Thankyou , I have one , I just liked the canon software, it would download all of the photos automatically, with the card , I have to download each file at a time.
Unless Ive been using it wrong all this time.
Thankyou again
Or my reccomendation would be "image ingester" which you will need to use your card reader for but it automatically downloads your images and renames your files for you and creates a dated file structure automatically. I reccomend this method.
Get it here .
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