To show or not to show??
I am interested in what people think about putting your pricelist on your website. Should you or shouldn't you? :dunno
On my website I state my starting session fee & state to contact the studio for further pricing information. My thought was to keep my prices hidden from my competitors.
The downside is then I have to send out my pricelist to each individual person who inquires. Making more work.
What do you do?
On my website I state my starting session fee & state to contact the studio for further pricing information. My thought was to keep my prices hidden from my competitors.
The downside is then I have to send out my pricelist to each individual person who inquires. Making more work.
What do you do?
Sounds like you answered your own question ;-)
How many customers, due to lack of pricing turn away to find someone who will post their prices? How many stores do you frequent where you have to ask the sales people for each price you want to see?
Why would it matter if your competition knew what you charged? Even if you try to hide it, all they have to do is some kind of mystery shopper trick on you and they have all they need anyway.
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
As a customer, I want all possible information with the least amount of effort.
5D MkII | 30D | 50mm f1.8 II | 85mm f1.8 | 24-70mm f2.8L | 70-200mm f2.8L IS II | Manfrotto 3021BPRO with 322RC2