Wisconsin Wedding
Last weekend I went to a wedding in Hatley Wisconsin. Hatley is a small town in central Wisconsin and is basically farms. The wedding was huge. There were over 700 people there. They set up a tent and also cleared out a barn, it was all full. I had a great time with the two bands, lots of polkas and fireworks near the end. So here are a couple of my favorites from the wedding. Honest critique is most welcome because I had no idea what I was doing, people are not my forte. I really want to try to get better at event shooting like this so please be brutally honest.

I know this picture technically sucks but it was pitch black and I had a hard time focusing. It was a special moment for the bride and groom and I like it so I don't really care that it is soft and noisy.

If you're interested the rest of the gallery is here

I know this picture technically sucks but it was pitch black and I had a hard time focusing. It was a special moment for the bride and groom and I like it so I don't really care that it is soft and noisy.

If you're interested the rest of the gallery is here
How can you have a Polka in Wisconsin without keggers?
Brutally honest enough for you?
I would try doing a selective desat of the fireworks pic. Leave the fireworks color, B&W for the rest. IMHO noisy + blurry=B&W conversion. Good shots. Were you the pro? It looks like some of the angles could be improved a bit...going to look at gallery now.
After looking at gallery I think you did a good job of capturing the ummm...emotions!
Some focus issues on some of the photos, and also a few that could benefit from some color adjustments. One suggestion...don't be afraid to get closer shots (sometimes better with a longer lens if you are going for a more candid photo).
I also think some of the ones in the gallery are better than the ones that you have posted here, especially of the couple dancing.
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!