Find a SmugMuger to thank him/her

One thing that irritates me here, is this:
Someone comment a photo of mines.
For politness I want to thank or anwser the comment.
To do so I need to find the SmugMuger.
How ? I go to Digital Grin and loose ten minutes (exageration) looking for the person.
Sometimes, or often, there are many Susans or similar and then I have to go throught all the Susan ... What a drag ! ...:scratch
Just to send a private message.
Don't you feel this is not good ?
Someone comment a photo of mines.
For politness I want to thank or anwser the comment.
To do so I need to find the SmugMuger.
How ? I go to Digital Grin and loose ten minutes (exageration) looking for the person.
Sometimes, or often, there are many Susans or similar and then I have to go throught all the Susan ... What a drag ! ...:scratch
Just to send a private message.
Don't you feel this is not good ?
All the best ! ... António Correia - Facebook
I think we discussed this already?
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It happened again again and again.
This time I was ungry.
Not any more.
But I don't like this !
I am sorry. If the commenter leaves no link to their site, or their email address, we can't help you. I wish there was a way, Antonio.
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There should be an easy way to contact the person who lives a comment on the photo !!
Why not ?
This question reminds me the problem with the password protected galleries
Remember ?
Antonio, please.
If the commenter leaves no contact info or website, we have no way to give you the information. I am very sorry about this, but there's nothing we can do about it
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Do you think that I'm alone wishing this ?
Try to ask the others in a poll: Your assignment !
It would be very democratic !
Why can't you respond right there in your comments? Maybe in your response you can ask for the person's email address or ask them to email you or whatever.
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Sorry Andy.
But I can not believe you ... I just can't !
What Andy is saying is that he has nothing to give you.
Look at this example:
The person y: Susan (saurora) leave the connection on the site.
What to do to thank her ?
Go to<r=S
and look lije a mad for her.
May be it's my fault - OK it is my fault ! - but where is she ?
I repeat:
Just a minute or 2 please.
Are you saying that the user saurora left you a comment on your smugmug site and you'd like to thank her with a PM on dgrin? If so just go into your user control panel (click on "You!" on the top left of the dgrin page) and then on the left side of the page look for the words "Send New Message". In the "Recipient Username" box type in the username (in this case saurora) and then type in the title of your message and the message and click send message.
I'm not sure what else you're looking for...
Now I have to go to
What a work.
Where is she ?
My fault for sure but not easy.
I don't like this.
The others, how do they feel ?
Am I the exception ? No way.
It's clear from what Andy said that if the commenter doesn't leave a way for you to get in touch with them, then there's nothing they can do.
There are some things that YOU can do, and I suggest you concentrate on them.
1) If the commenter's a logged-in smugmugger, then you can click on the link to their site, look for their contact info, or at the very least you could leave a comment on their site.
2) Add a request on your site for commenters to leave contact info so that you can thank them personally.
3) Leave your suggestion in the feature requests thread (if you haven't done so already) and be happy that you have a company that does such a good job of listening to customer feedback.
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Or if you happen to know that she's a dgrinner (her username is saurora btw) then you can simply click on search and then type in saurora to find her. If the person is not a dgrinner, this obviously wouldn't work.
What more could you possibly ask for?
you can't assume that a smugmugger has a dgrin account... and even if they do, it may not be the same account name...
I have both smugmug and dgrin accounts, and they are not using the same id.
At last! Thank you.
That's an issue. A solution.
I am an ignorant on computers - and something else probably - but I did not know this solution.
But one last question - the last but not the least - Why Saurora and not Susan ?
I just tried with myself.
It works !!!
Thank you.
It was worth while this irritation of mines...:):
Today I learned something more.
Be Heathy.
It's settled now the contact problem.:):
But I have to tell you that if I did not like to be here I would go away.
I like the people here, their patience for jurks like me or worst, the support this site gives, the friendship and one day I would like to visit you in NY or wherever.
You know that I participate the best I know/can with enthusiasm and friendship too.
At least I try.
I am happy for beeing here. I never put that in question.
I am afraid you will have to listen to me for some more time ...:):
So for example, Lee Shepherd is the real name of BigWebGuy. If you try to go find Lee Shepherd in the dgrin Shooters page you'll be out of luck (we call that S. O. L. in the US
Make sense?
Good sugestion. But I rather like to be more personnal.
We went through this at lenght in your thread from a month ago
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