A question of Art

martin-imagesmartin-images Registered Users Posts: 143 Major grins
edited September 11, 2006 in Landscapes
Photo to digital manipulation, is this art, would you buy a photo like this at large print size confused3.gif , just interested in your responces before i dive in to this type of work

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  • AfterImageAfterImage Registered Users Posts: 113 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2006
    Darn right I would and I am sure many other would too.
    Have you ever seen some of the stuff they sell as "art" on the boardwalk, fairs, gift shops, or those hacky art stores in trendy shopping villages?

    This is better.

    I learned your love for life,
    I feel your presence...
    I remember

    SLAMA Photography
  • Frog LadyFrog Lady Registered Users Posts: 1,091 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2006
    the colors are rich, the image is composed well. I doesn't look like a photo, but the angles are too crisp to think painting - but over all, I like it. Probably more as a poster type picture than a photographic print. So, yeah, go for it.

    check out my (sports) pics: ColleenBonney.smugmug.com

    *Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)
  • Twisted ImageTwisted Image Registered Users Posts: 110 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2006
    I agree...people would buy it. I love the variety of colors. That picture SCREAMS autumn..very nice
  • ElaineElaine Registered Users Posts: 3,532 Major grins
    edited September 2, 2006
    Photo to digital manipulation, is this art, would you buy a photo like this at large print size confused3.gif , just interested in your responces before i dive in to this type of work


    This is beautiful. (I remember your monochrome work from another site - love that work too!) This kind of work done in each season would make a lovely collection. The colors are wonderful and I like how you can still see leafy shapes in the tree.


    Comments and constructive critique always welcome!

    Elaine Heasley Photography
  • gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited September 2, 2006
    I wouldnt touch it with a 10 foot pole. I cant stand this level of manipulation & then calling it art.

    Just my opinion....dont anyone go losing the jam out of their donut over it.
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited September 2, 2006
    AfterImage wrote:
    Have you ever seen some of the stuff they sell as "art" on the boardwalk, fairs, gift shops, or those hacky art stores in trendy shopping villages?

    Well, yes, and I'm afraid this is exactly what came to mind when I saw the pic. Mind you, that stuff does sell and the colors are nice. You might want to try printing it on something that would give it a bit of texture, which is sorely lacking here.
  • AfterImageAfterImage Registered Users Posts: 113 Major grins
    edited September 3, 2006
    rsinmadrid wrote:
    Well, yes, and I'm afraid this is exactly what came to mind when I saw the pic. Mind you, that stuff does sell and the colors are nice. You might want to try printing it on something that would give it a bit of texture, which is sorely lacking here.

    I wonder if printing it on a canvas would help:

    Martin-Images, please let me know if you want me to take this down.

    I learned your love for life,
    I feel your presence...
    I remember

    SLAMA Photography
  • Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited September 5, 2006
    Since your 'shopping that print....why add some sort of brush strokes and then print on a watercolor paper for actual texture as above ..... and yes this type of art sells well and i see no reason to not call it art (even if it isn't done by me :D )...but I would like royalties from all using my name for profit...:D

    Good luck.
    "Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website

  • Allen MaestasAllen Maestas Registered Users Posts: 40 Big grins
    edited September 6, 2006
    Art is art Martin, doesn't matter how it's created. Whether anyone will buy it, well you will never know until you try. I personally like it a lot, very nice. thumb.gif

  • Photo_ladyPhoto_lady Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited September 6, 2006
    My first reply on digrin.....
    I have been doing a lot of "lurking" on this site, but this is the first post/reply. I absolutely love this effect!! I could stare at it all day, so therefore, yes, very much an item that would be purchased if offered for sale. It really is beautiful.
  • SamSam Registered Users Posts: 7,419 Major grins
    edited September 6, 2006
    I have watched this post for a few days to see what the responses would be like before posting mine. Personally I think the image, color, and PS treatment are a pleasant combination. It’s hard to tell from a small online image how it will print, but if it printed as well as it shows on my monitor I think it would look good hanging in the right spot.

    Art may have more definitions, interpretations, and nuances than Andy has camera gear.

    That said, a story: Last year I was at an upscale yuppie flea market, and there was one guy selling photos, so naturally I took a good look at his booth. His “normal” photos were not very good quality. I would categorize them more of a snapshot variety. The bulk of what he had for sale were cards, refrigerator magnets, smaller matted images. All were had heavily digital manipulation. It looked like some type of plastic filter. Pretty crude “in my opinion”. Yet people were buying this stuff?

    In conclusion, I think there can be a big difference between art, what someone will like, and what sells. Look at the posts here, some like it, some don’t. Pretty much what you will find in the real world. If this is what you like, build up a portfolio, and offer them for sale. Then and only then will you know if they will sell.

  • kgarrett11kgarrett11 Registered Users Posts: 525 Major grins
    edited September 7, 2006
    I really like this. And it is a whole bunch better than taking a picture of a church at night with a hand held camera and calling a bad picture "Art". This I would buy.
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  • retroretro Registered Users Posts: 303 Major grins
    edited September 8, 2006
    ahh, so nowadays "ART" is bright pleasant colors and most important it has to sell well on the local market-day with a fake golden frame.
    Back on step one.

    oh well, i admire the true artists fighting it.
  • martin-imagesmartin-images Registered Users Posts: 143 Major grins
    edited September 8, 2006
    retro wrote:
    ahh, so nowadays "ART" is bright pleasant colors and most important it has to sell well on the local market-day with a fake golden frame.

    oh well, i admire the true artists fighting it.

    I am not stating that its Art just asking, we are in a digital era, the skill in this i suppose is seeing the subject as a way to manipulte to this type of work as all images dont work, the programm thats been used to create this effect is accepted by the Royal colledge of Art as an Art form in digital so I digital is working its way into into these areas, one only has to look at bricks stacked up in a pattern and its called art, where is the cut off point , Art is about continually finding new and individual ways of expression. The tools do not change the fact that art is unique, original and inspired by the artist

    Workshops, learn the art of monochrome conversion using my contrast grading method


    Contrast Grading CD
  • retroretro Registered Users Posts: 303 Major grins
    edited September 8, 2006
    the programm thats been used to create this effect is accepted by the Royal colledge of Art
    sorry i don't get it, a program is just a tool like different brushes for the traditional artist. Good art can be created with this program or with ms paint or with a hammer and a stone, that's not my point. I just think the word "art" is abused nowadays. What is art? Is art just a decoration?
    Is art something more? Imho it is but the word "art" is so abused now i dont even want to pronounce it.
  • martin-imagesmartin-images Registered Users Posts: 143 Major grins
    edited September 8, 2006
    retro wrote:
    sorry i don't get it, a program is just a tool like different brushes for the traditional artist. Good art can be created with this program or with ms paint or with a hammer and a stone, that's not my point. I just think the word "art" is abused nowadays. What is art? Is art just a decoration?
    Is art something more? Imho it is but the word "art" is so abused now i dont even want to pronounce it.

    I see where your coming from, for me Art is in the eye of the beholder, but if a pile of bricks is whats called Art it does tend to question the word "Art",

    Workshops, learn the art of monochrome conversion using my contrast grading method


    Contrast Grading CD
  • retroretro Registered Users Posts: 303 Major grins
    edited September 8, 2006
    I see where your coming from, for me Art is in the eye of the beholder, but if a pile of bricks is whats called Art it does tend to question the word "Art",


    imho questioning things is an important part of some "art" probably starting with Goya.
    "A pile of bricks" probably the "artist" is questioning the same things as we do right now...what is art..?
  • martin-imagesmartin-images Registered Users Posts: 143 Major grins
    edited September 8, 2006
    retro wrote:
    imho questioning things is an important part of some "art" probably starting with Goya.
    "A pile of bricks" probably the "artist" is questioning the same things as we do right now...what is art..?

    Very very true , to look upon a Ferrari is to look at a work of Art, the word goes beyond Painting, digital manipulation etc, its what one sees as Art to make it so and we all see it different thats whats good about it :):

    Workshops, learn the art of monochrome conversion using my contrast grading method


    Contrast Grading CD
  • retroretro Registered Users Posts: 303 Major grins
    edited September 8, 2006
    sorry for the longwinded reply Martin, i like your image :): ,it has nothing to do with that, thanks for a good interesting discussion :):
  • martin-imagesmartin-images Registered Users Posts: 143 Major grins
    edited September 8, 2006
    retro wrote:
    sorry for the longwinded reply Martin, i like your image :): ,it has nothing to do with that, thanks for a good interesting discussion :):

    No not longwinded just interesting to have others opinions on a question of Art, I enjoyed our chat as well :):


    Workshops, learn the art of monochrome conversion using my contrast grading method


    Contrast Grading CD
  • martin-imagesmartin-images Registered Users Posts: 143 Major grins
    edited September 8, 2006
    gus wrote:
    I wouldnt touch it with a 10 foot pole. I cant stand this level of manipulation & then calling it art.

    Just my opinion....dont anyone go losing the jam out of their donut over it.

    I did not say it was Art i was asking the question
    May I ask why you would no touch it with a 10 pole lol, on the merits of a photo what do you think ? is it realy that bad, you know I was looking at David Hockney work the other week, I had taken a picture of salts mill , and later on veiwed a picture by Hockney from the same position, the colours where garish to say the least and the actual picture bore no resemblance to the scene, it looked to me like the work of a child in the way it was composed on the paper no correct scale, things totaly out of proportion etc, but just because he had hand painted it made it a work of Art, so manipulation had been caried out with his brushes to the extreme, would you not touch his type of work with a 10 foot pole ??, I think one has to be very open minded in any type of image be it Oil, water or digital, :):

    Workshops, learn the art of monochrome conversion using my contrast grading method


    Contrast Grading CD
  • gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited September 8, 2006
    I did not say it was Art i was asking the question
    May I ask why you would no touch it with a 10 pole lol, on the merits of a photo what do you think ? is it realy that bad, you know I was looking at David Hockney work the other week, I had taken a picture of salts mill , and later on veiwed a picture by Hockney from the same position, the colours where garish to say the least and the actual picture bore no resemblance to the scene, it looked to me like the work of a child in the way it was composed on the paper no correct scale, things totaly out of proportion etc, but just because he had hand painted it made it a work of Art, so manipulation had been caried out with his brushes to the extreme, would you not touch his type of work with a 10 foot pole ??, I think one has to be very open minded in any type of image be it Oil, water or digital, :):

    I dont have to be open minded about diddly squat mate....i find it absolute rubbish. You can call it what-ever you like. Please dont go asking for opinions if you then feel the need to question other peoples.
  • martin-imagesmartin-images Registered Users Posts: 143 Major grins
    edited September 8, 2006
    gus wrote:
    I dont have to be open minded about diddly squat mate....i find it absolute rubbish. You can call it what-ever you like. Please dont go asking for opinions if you then feel the need to change other peoples.

    Apart from being very rude, iI think your having a very bad day "MATE" you say rubbish your entitled to your opinion but it seems to me your no expert to give the above opinion, in no way am I trying to force my own opinions on anyone but your previous blank responce deserved another, I like this forum but people like you give it a bad taste through thoughtless comments like the two so far, lets see what "rubbish" you post next
    Workshops, learn the art of monochrome conversion using my contrast grading method


    Contrast Grading CD
  • gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited September 8, 2006

    Apart from being very rude, iI think your having a very bad day "MATE" you say rubbish your entitled to your opinion but it seems to me your no expert to give the above opinion, in no way am I trying to force my own opinions on anyone but your previous blank responce deserved another, I like this forum but people like you give it a bad taste through thoughtless comments like the two so far, lets see wha rubbish you post next
    Want a napkin for that pile of jam ?
  • martin-imagesmartin-images Registered Users Posts: 143 Major grins
    edited September 8, 2006
    gus wrote:
    Want a napkin for that pile of jam ?

    "lets see what rubbish you post next"

    HeHe he seems I can read you like a book mwink.gif
    Workshops, learn the art of monochrome conversion using my contrast grading method


    Contrast Grading CD
  • athosathos Registered Users Posts: 237 Major grins
    edited September 8, 2006
    gus wrote:
    I dont have to be open minded about diddly squat mate....i find it absolute rubbish. You can call it what-ever you like. Please dont go asking for opinions if you then feel the need to question other peoples.

    so you can give yours back but cant take any. you sound like a donkey variation

    i hope you are shooting with a very old film slr with zero digital pp on your shots.

    *Canon 40D: 17-55IS - 70-300IS - 100mm Macro - Sigma 10-20EX
  • gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited September 8, 2006
    athos wrote:
    so you can give yours back but cant take any. you sound like a donkey variation

    i hope you are shooting with a very old film slr with zero digital pp on your shots.
    What do you mean by cant take any ? The poster wanted to know what people think...i told them & they didnt like my response. Im fine with that...some of you appear not to be.
  • athosathos Registered Users Posts: 237 Major grins
    edited September 8, 2006
    gus wrote:
    What do you mean by cant take any ? The poster wanted to know what people think...i told them & they didnt like my response. Im fine with that...some of you appear not to be.
    yes but then you say "he cant question any" responding opinions.

    i dont think that is part of the deal. he politely responded to your opinion with his, but it seems you have to make up rules that say he has no right to.

    in other words. you want to give but then cant take any.

    you dont even have a clue as to waht you say.

    *Canon 40D: 17-55IS - 70-300IS - 100mm Macro - Sigma 10-20EX
  • gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited September 8, 2006
    athos wrote:
    yes but then you say "he cant question any" responding opinions.

    i dont think that is part of the deal. he politely responded to your opinion with his, but it seems you have to make up rules that say he has no right to.

    you dont even have a clue as to waht you say.
    Everyone can say what they like...the fact that i dont like the photo is my opinion.
  • mghanermghaner Registered Users Posts: 93 Big grins
    edited September 8, 2006
    Would I buy it??? NO ! Would others buy it? YES!! I know this as I have sold posturized prints of flowers. You could not tell that they were photos at all. They looked like paintings when mounted on a textured board. I would say that you print up a few and see what happens. On the screen they dont look anything like what they do printed and in a frame. I have found that Art is very much what one sees in the object. There are some very famous priceless pieces of "art" that look like something found in a pre-school class room. Not that there is anything wrong with that as whatever the piece is, if it brings joy or some wanted emotion to the one looking at it, well, art it is.....
    "I feel way more like I do right now then I did earlier today"

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