Excellent! Really nice shot, H. You wearing a thong? :yikes Since you don't want a shallow depth of field, and the hands are a bit soft, maybe shoot with a greater depth of field? Or would you have to hold still for too long? Is it too bright across the shoulders?
Excellent! Really nice shot, H. You wearing a thong? :yikes Since you don't want a shallow depth of field, and the hands are a bit soft, maybe shoot with a greater depth of field? Or would you have to hold still for too long? Is it too bright across the shoulders?
Tks Nir
Hey waxamillion..sorry it was 3 am when i read your reply ..off to work early.
Its probably a lot of wrong things mate. I have little idea about what i do with the camera. Some stuff turns out ok & some does not.
Re Depth of field..I did set the f stop up much higher but it aint easy holding that still for a camera in that faint light.
I dont know if you are aware of LED's but they are like a torch (flashlight)..very strong direct light. I suppose you could mask it with red cellophane but then the exposure woould run too long.
A certain woman whom lives in my flat walked past ..looked at it for a second & said " Wow...so when did you run into Shrek "
"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Ta mate...hope your happy...i just showed her & she spat her wine out across the room & its been 2 mins since she could draw breath from laughing. I will go & get her some tissues.
Ta mate...hope your happy...i just showed her & she spat her wine out across the room & its been 2 mins since she could draw breath from laughing. I will go & get her some tissues.
I hope she is OK now. I am not sure weather you are talking about the little torches with big beam. I had no idea they could be strong enough to take a pic with.
I am not sure weather you are talking about the little torches with big beam. I had no idea they could be strong enough to take a pic with.
This is what made all the light PC..just one tiny electrical device...its about 5mm (1/5 inch) in dia & maybe 8mm (1/3 inch) long. They use almost no power.
Shakes...i do play the doors everday @ 4.15 pm. If nothing else...the 3 japanese students in the unit below me will go home & be able to hold their own in any Karaoke bar in japan with LA Woman.
photo is cool. I agree with Waxy though, if there is anything you could do to sharpen it up a bit, I think it'd hit a bit harder.
I started shaving it in '95 because a large company i was working for wanted me to move into a section where i had to deal directly with the public (which i didnt want to do). I shaved it the morning of the meeting & when i walked in...they told me it suited me & put me in that section anyway .
I fooled with sharpening Doc but to be truthfull i sort of like it a bit fuzzy...i wanted that 11 000 volt acid ..2am look.
If you want ..please feel welcome to sharpen it & show me because when i do use the sharpen tool i get a lot of noise.
I started shaving it in '95 because a large company i was working for wanted me to move into a section where i had to deal directly with the public (which i didnt want to do). I shaved it the morning of the meeting & when i walked in...they told me it suited me & put me in that section anyway .
I fooled with sharpening Doc but to be truthfull i sort of like it a bit fuzzy...i wanted that 11 000 volt acid ..2am look.
If you want ..please feel welcome to sharpen it & show me because when i do use the sharpen tool i get a lot of noise.
I think I was getting at the same as Waxy - not necessarily sharpness, but more focus. But you've already pointed out the difficulties of that.
Thats great especially they way the shadow is so well defined, even the ears!!!!
I was going to PS the ears winger ..but thought...nup thats the shadow, leave it be. Funny thing is that i dont have big ears at all but the shadow says different
I think the camera focused on the floor in front of me thus the shadow was sharp & i got a bit fuzzy but i decided i liked it that way..sort of like an electrical frequency running over me...thats how i was feeling at the time. That & the fact that im not going to get that wasted & start photographing at 2am for at least another week mate !
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Take it from there..............
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
Hey waxamillion..sorry it was 3 am when i read your reply ..off to work early.
Its probably a lot of wrong things mate. I have little idea about what i do with the camera. Some stuff turns out ok & some does not.
Re Depth of field..I did set the f stop up much higher but it aint easy holding that still for a camera in that faint light.
I dont know if you are aware of LED's but they are like a torch (flashlight)..very strong direct light. I suppose you could mask it with red cellophane but then the exposure woould run too long.
A certain woman whom lives in my flat walked past ..looked at it for a second & said " Wow...so when did you run into Shrek "
Make:OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO.,LTDModel: C5050Z Size: 1360x1747 Bytes: 366194 Aperture: f/1.8 ISO: 64 Focal Length: 8.2mm Exposure Time: 3.2s (320/100)JPEG Quality:normalFlash:16Exposure Program:Shutter priorityExposure Bias:0DigitalZoomRatio:0/100
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
I hope she is OK now. I am not sure weather you are talking about the little torches with big beam. I had no idea they could be strong enough to take a pic with.
Love the shot. Very creative thinking
HUM next time you go and warm your bumm add more spf to our sun screen but the growth did clear up your hands
Shakes...i do play the doors everday @ 4.15 pm. If nothing else...the 3 japanese students in the unit below me will go home & be able to hold their own in any Karaoke bar in japan with LA Woman.
photo is cool. I agree with Waxy though, if there is anything you could do to sharpen it up a bit, I think it'd hit a bit harder.
I fooled with sharpening Doc but to be truthfull i sort of like it a bit fuzzy...i wanted that 11 000 volt acid ..2am look.
If you want ..please feel welcome to sharpen it & show me because when i do use the sharpen tool i get a lot of noise.
I think the camera focused on the floor in front of me thus the shadow was sharp & i got a bit fuzzy but i decided i liked it that way..sort of like an electrical frequency running over me...thats how i was feeling at the time. That & the fact that im not going to get that wasted & start photographing at 2am for at least another week mate !
In summer here you turn the cold water on in the shower & wait til the water thats heated up in the pipes from the day to get out then get in it.