*CH 27 miketaylor's try*

First of all I wanted to thank everyone who wrote to see if I was alright. Just wanted to let you all know that I am fine. Im kind of in a transition period right now as I am going back to my unit to start to fly again. I am very happy about that, but unfortunately that means that I will not have 12 hours a day on the internet anymore. I have been moving around for the past week or so and thats why i have kind of dissapeared. I will not be on as regularly as I used to be, but will still get on as much as possible to give others the same amount of feedback that I would like to get. So with all that said here is what I am thinking of entering in this challenge. I got this shot the day befoire yesterday when I was on a flight. I wasnt flying on this flight but was actually able to sit in the back with my 70-200 aimed out the gunners window. Let me knwo what you think.

Very unique.
I like the shadow shot. I agree that it could use some more contrast to emphasize the shadow. Very cool.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Glad to hear your OK, and getting back to flying. I don't know if you have access to Photo Shop where your at so I took the liberty of increasing the chopper's shadow. I also found a couple of hot pixels, and I cloned them out.
Now the photograph, is the helicopter shadow in focus? The ground is, but the shadow doesn't look like it has the sharp lines I have been seeing in photos of shadows.
Good question... I wondered the other day if shadows ever can be really sharp...
Great to hear from you Mike. As a mom of 3 boys I can not really be pleased that you go fluying again in that dangerous place, but I know... moms worry too much. Be careful though! We want you in one piece.
Love your picture and am amazed at the sharpness of the sand while you are flying thus moving.
Good luck with your flights.
I agree on darkening the shadow so here is what I came up with. I think it has been brought out alot more now.
I was also wondering about if a shadow can be sharp and im not sure either. I was lucky to get this one sharp as the aircraft was moving at about 160 mph. This was also not a crop. I shot it in this way to kinda make it seem like the shadow was going somewhere. We were at no more than 50 ft off the ground when I took this and the shadow is probably close to 60 ft long. Let me know what you think about the updated version.
Sigma SD9, SD14, and DP1
Take care.
ginger Oh, I like the fact you left room for the helicopter to move.
Auto color
Unsharp mask
selective color = yellow & black correction