noob questions about smugmug API
I have some time this weekend and I'm trying to make a small VB app to download the html from my pbase galleries, gather/download/parse all the important information (gallery name, gallery description, image files, image captions, images, etc.), and then upload the same to smugmug.
I already have the skills/knowledge/experience to do the pbase part. I've written similar programs to parse my pbase galleries before in PHP.
I'm assuming I need the API here to make code that will create my own galleries, upload my pictures, caption them, etc.
Here are my questions:
1) Do I need the smugmug API to do this?
2) If so, where is the API documentation?
3) Do I need permission/keys/etc. to use the API?
I don't intend to turn this into a major project, and I will probably only need this for one time use, but it sure as heck beats creating all my galleries/work from scratch.
So far, I have not duplicated any of my pbase galleries here at smugmug, and I have pretty much uploaded unedited "raw" pictures and galleries so far to smugmug of pictures I never bothered to put on pbase due to space and time limitations. (I want to write this app to do it for me).
For those of you that are curious, here are my picture sites: (PHP generated front end featuring random and rotating thumbnails for pictures of my daughter on pbase)
I already have the skills/knowledge/experience to do the pbase part. I've written similar programs to parse my pbase galleries before in PHP.
I'm assuming I need the API here to make code that will create my own galleries, upload my pictures, caption them, etc.
Here are my questions:
1) Do I need the smugmug API to do this?
2) If so, where is the API documentation?
3) Do I need permission/keys/etc. to use the API?
I don't intend to turn this into a major project, and I will probably only need this for one time use, but it sure as heck beats creating all my galleries/work from scratch.
So far, I have not duplicated any of my pbase galleries here at smugmug, and I have pretty much uploaded unedited "raw" pictures and galleries so far to smugmug of pictures I never bothered to put on pbase due to space and time limitations. (I want to write this app to do it for me).
For those of you that are curious, here are my picture sites: (PHP generated front end featuring random and rotating thumbnails for pictures of my daughter on pbase)
1) Yes
3) See #2, key generation is instant once you fill out a simple form.