Letting Friends Edit Image Captions?
I have a private gallery that I would like a friend to be able to edit the photo captions, I have turned these features on in the customization control of that specific gallery. However when I log out and go see if I can edit these captions, I doesn't seem as though I can. Am I mis-understanding this feature or doing something wrong?
Help please? Thank-you
Help please? Thank-you
This feature is for "friends" on SmugMug:
I hope this helps!
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Are these the directions I am supposed to follow:
If so they make no sense, what do they mean by "Friends Page", Does my friend have to have a smug mug website?
How do I define my friends and family in smugmug? Is it in the control panels?
I have made the smugmug Friends and Family feature visible on my home page (which i'd rather not have to, and it seems to be of no help)
Thanks shnae
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Thanks Andy
Cool feature! But how and where would I enable this feature once I have defined a guest password? And how and where would my guest enter the password so they could edit gallery captions?
Thanks shane
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I am at a loss as to how to communicate my question.
I know I have a guest PW field in my control panel, I have set the PW. Now how and where do my friend access this. Once I logout I go through my whole site and there is no field prompting a guest to enter a PW.
When they log on to www.wildearthilluminations.com, where do they access the prompt for a guest PW?
Do they use the Login link embedded in the footer?
thanks shane
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Check out this very well thought out post by Sebastian on this issue