Looking into buying a wireless slave adapter. Suggestions?

Hi everyone. I'm not sure where to start to shop for a wireless slave trigger/adapter. I was looking into the PocketWizard Plus series and the Wein HS products. Now.. all I need is to be able to use my flash on one hand while holding the camera on the other...I dont plan to use it too far. I normally use a pc-to-pc cord to do it but the cord keeps going out on me after a rigorous use and I'm sick of having my flash failing to fire when I need it to.
So I need to know which one to invest on. Hopefully its something under $150 for the entire kit (transmitter and receiver).
I use a Sony F828 and an old Canon Speedlight (always in manual) btw.
Help a brother out!
(question about the wein products: do I just need to purchase two of the Wein HS adapters and plug them to the flash's and camera's end or do they sell diff receivers and transmitters for them?)
So I need to know which one to invest on. Hopefully its something under $150 for the entire kit (transmitter and receiver).
I use a Sony F828 and an old Canon Speedlight (always in manual) btw.
Help a brother out!

(question about the wein products: do I just need to purchase two of the Wein HS adapters and plug them to the flash's and camera's end or do they sell diff receivers and transmitters for them?)
I bought a set of 4 channel radio triggers off of an ebay seller <http://stores.ebay.com/Gadget-Infinity> which had a female hot shoe connection as well as a PC connection. One Trasmitter/reciever set was $20 and a second reciever was $12. Several members over on the Strobist<http://www.flickr.com/groups/strobist/> flickr group had recommended this seller. I figured the advantage with these is that I can fire speedlights without a PC connection (i.e. Nikon SB600) as well as anything with a PC connection such as my Alienbees. I've only used them for one shoot, but they seemed to work well. You will have to be operating the strobes in manual mode though(i.e no TTL)
Item number: 280019605813
I spent $30 including shipping for 2 sets of them. Just received them, but so far I am very pleased.
Glass: >Sigma 17-35mm,f2.8-4 DG >Tamron 28-75mm,f2.8 >Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro >Canon 70-200mm,f2.8L IS >Canon 200mm,f2.8L
Flash: >550EX >Sigma EF-500 DG Super >studio strobes
Sites: Jim Mitte Photography - Livingston Sports Photos - Brighton Football Photos
Very cool. I was thinking about spending 30$ on a cheap set-up shipped, I just didnt know which seller to buy it from.
So you recommend this seller? How long did it take for you to receive the things you ordered? No complaints or anything?
I dont mind waiting right now, I already ordered an extra set of adapters for my cords so if they break oh well, they dont cost too much to replace, but the wireless ones should hold up much longer, but if they break, I'm just out $30 bucks which isnt bad haha. I'll have to buy a PocketWizard set in the near future though, I think it would be a wise investment. I'll save for a new camera first though.
Thanks for your inputs! Let me know if I should trust this seller!
Prob with this set up is the AC connection....if buying a slave set up you should be able to use it out in the wilderness also....I am sure these will work great as long as you stay close to a working electrical outlet.....
I am thinking of going for a set from GAdget-Infinity also as I have both shoe mount (KM 5600HS) and pc cord (sunpak 622 & white lightening studio) strobes.....but waiting to see how those on here like their slaves before I take the plunge.....:D
Well, mine is on a different page but its the very same one.
I've read on flickr's 'strobist' group that it tends to misfire setting off the flash when its connected to a Canon flash via the hot-shoe connector. I hope this problem isnt apparent on my flash because everyone else uses the EX series flashes when I'm still using the older Canon EZ series made for film cameras (on manual mode) with my Sony camera.
The seller seems credible. People on the strobist group which Shane referred me to says the same. They even emailed me back the same day telling me when my order will be shipped. The average amount of time for return as I have seen on their feedbacks looks like about 9 business days, which is not bad.
I'll definitely post a write up when I receive it though. If you order one too Art, def drop a line about it with mine. Same with you Shane and Jim.
Okay, I just received my wireless-flash adapter. First things first, it didnt take long to receive it, just a week and half, thats very good for something coming from China! Second, it works out of the box with the batteries all included, both batteries fully charged and not weak. During my first test flash attempts, it worked well with my old Canon 420EZ Speedlight. However! On my flash, it has red and yellow-green colors on the trip/test button. When its green, it will fire off perfectly fine, but when its red (fully charged), it doesnt fire! I dont know whats up with it. otherwise it works well. Im sure it will work even better on other flash bodies, but im not too certain because this is the only flash body ive owned ever. If you know how to get around the red vs green color thing, let me know lol, but for now, i think i will stick with cords because its less of a hassle and save for a non-canon flash.