Winding Down - Almost Fall
All with Nikon D200 and I think I had the 18-70mm lens on for all of these.
I love this dogwood's colors and tired look this time of year.

More dogwood. I could use more DOF on this one!

I love my ornamental grasses

This would be why I couldn't stand living in a dry climate! I gotta have lush

Finally, some wild perennial sunflowers.

And I should mention, this is all around my house/garden and I planted everything
I love this dogwood's colors and tired look this time of year.

More dogwood. I could use more DOF on this one!

I love my ornamental grasses

This would be why I couldn't stand living in a dry climate! I gotta have lush

Finally, some wild perennial sunflowers.

And I should mention, this is all around my house/garden and I planted everything

I found the statement on saving:
Right-click protection
Professional account subscribers can choose to foil right-clicking on their photos on a gallery-by-gallery basis.
Simply choose the customize gallery button and scroll down to find the protected option.
It still allows the user to right-click, save as... (after they see a copyright notice dialog) but the image that gets saved is blank.
liked the last shot most-
I took this one just a few minutes ago. Interesting to see a butterfly eating or drinking from a split open tomato. The tomatoes are looking pretty sad this time of year.
Thanks. I was chatting with some guys on the SM support forum and we pretty much arrived at the same thing you said. I guess I'll try a standard account for now and see where it goes.
BTW did I mention that I love your "lush" and your "grasses"? Excellent photography. Beautiful tonality and good contrast for what appears to be overcast lighting.
I added a few more...
Ravenna Grass - Somestimes called hardy pampass grass because it somewhat resembles pampass grass.
Your gardens are beautiful!!
Lovely photos....I can just imagine being there!!
Thank you!