I shoot weddings and have a gallery for each wedding, and a favorites gallery.
Is their an easier way of getting a photo copied to the favorites? As of now I have to copy the photo, and them move the copy. This, of course, doubles the space used as well.
Is their an easier way of getting a photo copied to the favorites? As of now I have to copy the photo, and them move the copy. This, of course, doubles the space used as well.
Copying the photo, and then moving it to your favorites gallery is the only way i see, besides uploading a second copy. I wish i had a better answer for you. Did you have anything specific in mind?
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
check out this thread.... you need to be a power user at least. Creates a featured "gallery" made from a keyword url....
Space is unlimited -- which I appreciate. But I don't see a reason to abuse this generosity. $150/yr and I already have 28gig of photos online?
As for "anything specific in mind"....
1. Photo "lives" in one place.
2. Photo can be "organized" into more than one place
3. Ability to categorize/tag individual photos and then display/search based on those categories.
More work than I'd have liked, but thanks for letting me know it can be done.
I use keywords in Adobe Bridge, then use a Bridge seach on the keywords to isolate photos on one particular keyword, then upload a separate copy to the favorites gallery. I can't use the Smugmug keyword option because my galleries have to be password protected and the keyword searches don't work in password protected galleries. So, I'm forced to just upload duplicates.
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An oldie, but a goodie. (Running up against this problem because I've got to copy a bunch of photos out of a bunch of albums to a single one. Creating Duplicates and Moving is annoying me.)
And oh look, a few other people have requested this too:
Feh, I'm tired of cutting and pasting links. Just look at this Google search:
site: dgrin.com "copy to album"
Yes Andy, I understand there's an issue with the cost of disk space, and that you'd prefer that people not do a lot of bulk copying.
But look at it from our POV. We've been requesting a "Copy To Album" function (ideally bulk) for at least 2 years now, and since SmugMug hasn't taken that time to implement virtual galleries or aliases of some kind (wherein you'd only have to store one copy of an image and link to it), it seems a bit disingenuous to excuse this inconvenience for users as a means to protect your Amazon S3 bill.
I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own - Adam Savage