Great Egret in Flight

HarrybHarryb Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 22,708 Major grins
edited December 10, 2004 in Wildlife
Hi you'll,

A short while ago I told Lynn how beautiful Great Egrets were in flight, so as they say about a picture being worth a thousand words.

the take off

Harry NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"


  • HarrybHarryb Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 22,708 Major grins
    edited December 6, 2004
    in flight
    Harry NANPA member
    How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited December 6, 2004
    the bar
    Harry lets raise the bar in stages not all at once. great shots !!! thumb.gifbowdown.gif
    Jeff W

  • ehughesehughes Registered Users Posts: 1,675 Major grins
    edited December 6, 2004
    Great Shot Harry.. They're fun to shoot (pictures I Mean)
  • HarrybHarryb Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 22,708 Major grins
    edited December 6, 2004
    Hey Jeff
    Thanks Jeff. I'm just trying to show that you can get flight shots with Nikon's 80-400VR lens. Of course I'm not showing the 89 prior attempts at flight shots from that day. mwink.gif

    Harry NANPA member
    How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited December 6, 2004
    Very nice! I love the wing's power at takeoff. A thing of beauty!

    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • Michiel de BriederMichiel de Brieder Registered Users Posts: 864 Major grins
    edited December 6, 2004
    wow, this second picture has Power! bowdown.gif Harry = Egret master :D You are really getting this stuff down Harry! thumb.gif when will we see your first Egret photo in the national geographic? mwink.gif
    Thanks for sharing!
    *In my mind it IS real*
    Michiel de Brieder
  • nickphoto123nickphoto123 Registered Users Posts: 302 Major grins
    edited December 6, 2004
    Egrets in flight
    These shots remind me of Willie Mays.

    He always made it look easy.

    The reflections add the sense of the moment to each image.

    Great shots, great egret.

    Regards, Nicholas
  • HarrybHarryb Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 22,708 Major grins
    edited December 6, 2004
    Hey Ed
    ehughes wrote:
    Great Shot Harry.. They're fun to shoot (pictures I Mean)
    Yes they are fun. Sometimes I get so caught up watching them I forget to press the shutter release.

    Harry NANPA member
    How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
  • John MuellerJohn Mueller Registered Users Posts: 2,555 Major grins
    edited December 6, 2004
    Harryb wrote:
    Yes they are fun. Sometimes I get so caught up watching them I forget to press the shutter release.

    Thats just old age Harry rolleyes1.gif
    Nice capture again.Love the reflections.Keep them coming.
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited December 6, 2004
    Harryb wrote:
    Thanks Jeff. I'm just trying to show that you can get flight shots with Nikon's 80-400VR lens. Of course I'm not showing the 89 prior attempts at flight shots from that day. mwink.gif

    Laughing.gif Harry. I'd call a 1 for 90 hit rate a good day of shooting rolleyes1.gif

    Excellent shots of these, oh so tough to expose properly, WHITE waterfowl. They are both very nice, but I have to agree with the majority, that 2nd one is powerful. I like your post processing also, not too little, not too much :-)
    I also agree that you're getting pretty darn good at this thumb.gif Despite the slow Nikon glass

    If I could ever figure out how to post a pic here, you would see just how good your shots are relative to us mere mortals.

    OT: isn't it nice to be able to post pics, no matter what camera you used, and have people comment on the pics, not on the equipment?

    SmugMug Support Hero
  • HarrybHarryb Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 22,708 Major grins
    edited December 6, 2004
    ian408 wrote:
    Very nice! I love the wing's power at takeoff. A thing of beauty!

    Hey Ian,

    Thank you very much. I just wish I was a better photographer because the pics don't capture half of their beauty.

    Harry NANPA member
    How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
  • HarrybHarryb Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 22,708 Major grins
    edited December 6, 2004
    Hi Michiel
    wow, this second picture has Power! bowdown.gif Harry = Egret master :D You are really getting this stuff down Harry! thumb.gif

    Thank you very much. After all these years of snapping I think I'm beginning to get the hang of it.

    when will we see your first Egret photo in the national geographic? mwink.gif

    Never! I'm retired. If I start selling this stuff it would be like going back to work. deal.gif

    Harry NANPA member
    How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
  • HarrybHarryb Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 22,708 Major grins
    edited December 6, 2004
    These shots remind me of Willie Mays.

    He always made it look easy.

    The reflections add the sense of the moment to each image.

    Great shots, great egret.

    Regards, Nicholas
    Thank you very much. These pics were kind of easy. I was driving to the Viera Wetlands where I do most of my shooting. 5 minutes from my house I passed a pond that was having a bird convention (wood storks, anhingas, egrets, and herons. I just parked and shot a 1 gig CF card.

    Harry NANPA member
    How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
  • HarrybHarryb Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 22,708 Major grins
    edited December 6, 2004
    Old Age?
    MHJS wrote:
    Thats just old age Harry rolleyes1.gif
    Nice capture again.Love the reflections.Keep them coming.
    Hey John,

    I was going to give it to you over the age crack but I forgot what I was going to say. rolleyes1.gif

    Anyhow thanks for the nice comments about the pic anyhow.

    Harry NANPA member
    How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
  • HarrybHarryb Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 22,708 Major grins
    edited December 6, 2004
    Hey Steve!
    Laughing.gif Harry. I'd call a 1 for 90 hit rate a good day of shooting rolleyes1.gif

    Yeah, I've jsut ordered the Nikon 300mm/f4 so Ihope my average will go up shortly.

    Excellent shots of these, oh so tough to expose properly, WHITE waterfowl. They are both very nice, but I have to agree with the majority, that 2nd one is powerful. I like your post processing also, not too little, not too much :-)
    I also agree that you're getting pretty darn good at this thumb.gif Despite the slow Nikon glass

    Thanks for the kind comments. That 80-400 may be slow focusing but at least it can focus (not a Canon strong point btw). mwink.gif

    If I could ever figure out how to post a pic here, you would see just how good your shots are relative to us mere mortals.

    Since you are a pbaser like me waht you do is downsize the pic to under 124mb (I think) and load it up from your hard drive from the "manage attachments" button. If you want to load more than 1 pic you need a pbase account (being old and ornery I'm sticking with pbase and will do multiple posts if I want to post more than 1 pic).

    OT: isn't it nice to be able to post pics, no matter what camera you used, and have people comment on the pics, not on the equipment?

    Its a pleasure. the forums at DPR are becoming minefields. One mistake and you offend a horde of folks. It gets tiring.

    Harry NANPA member
    How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
  • Ric GrupeRic Grupe Registered Users Posts: 9,522 Major grins
    edited December 9, 2004
    Another lovely shot.
    Did you use a tripod on this shot?

    Very pleasing!
  • HarrybHarryb Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 22,708 Major grins
    edited December 9, 2004
    Thanks Richard

    Glad you liked the shot and to answer your question: No I didn't use a tripod on this shot but I should have. It was kind of funny when I got this shot. I was heading out to the Viera Wetlands with Gale from the Nikon DSLR forum on DPR. Five minutes from my house we pass this pond in one of the developments near mine and we see a bird convention going on. There were wood storks, great egrets, snowy egrets, tri-color and great blue herons, an anhinga and a few ibis at the pond.

    We did a quick u-turn, parked the car on the grass, jumper out and started shooting. I didn't want to miss the shots so I shot hand-held. Thank Nikon for that VR glass. This shot was at ISO 200 with a shutter speed of 1/750 sec at f/8 and a focal length of 310mm.

    Harry NANPA member
    How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited December 9, 2004
    Harryb wrote:
    Hi you'll,

    A short while ago I told Lynn how beautiful Great Egrets were in flight, so as they say about a picture being worth a thousand words.

    the take off


    not too shabby for a doddering old fool lol3.gif hey, i'll be down this winter old man, and since you eat dinner at like, 3 in the afternoon, that frees us up completely for the magic hour and shooting thumb.gif
  • HarrybHarryb Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 22,708 Major grins
    edited December 9, 2004
    andy wrote:
    not too shabby for a doddering old fool lol3.gif hey, i'll be down this winter old man, and since you eat dinner at like, 3 in the afternoon, that frees us up completely for the magic hour and shooting thumb.gif
    It will be great seeing you again. I even had them open up a new Starbucks near the Viera Wetlands to prepare for your arrival. clap.gif

    Its good that you will be coming down because I 've noticed that your pics have been getting a tad stale lately. I was afraid that was going to happen when I left NYC and wouldn't be around to guide you any longer. rolleyes1.gif

    Not to worry though. I'm sure that I will be able to get you back on track again. It won't be easy but I'll give it a shot. mwink.gif

    Harry NANPA member
    How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
  • Ric GrupeRic Grupe Registered Users Posts: 9,522 Major grins
    edited December 10, 2004
    Thanks for the info...
    Harryb wrote:

    We did a quick u-turn, parked the car on the grass, jumper out and started shooting. I didn't want to miss the shots so I shot hand-held. Thank Nikon for that VR glass. This shot was at ISO 200 with a shutter speed of 1/750 sec at f/8 and a focal length of 310mm.

    I'd say you were lucky to get this a quick response situation
    such as this. Sometimes you just have to press the button and see what happens!clap.gif
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