basetosmug 0.1 Alpha Released
basetosmug is a VB6 application for downloading and converting pbase galleries to smugmug albums.
It now works, and is ready for alpha testing distribution.
I told you it would be soon!
Get it at . Sorry for the really crappy site. I through it together in about five minutes.
basetosmug progress report:
1) smugmug API authentication
2) smugmug category downloading, parsing, and database dumping
3) simple smugmug album creation
4) smugmug logout
5) Downloading HTML from pbase galleries
6) Parsing HTML from pbase galleries
7) Dumping parsed pbase HTML elements and image links into a database.
8) Downloading "original" images from pbase galleries into a holding location
9) Uploading images into newly created galleries
10) Uploading parsed pbase data elements into galleries with images
11) A progress bar added for image transfer queue progress.
12) General clean-up
13) Moderate error trapping and handling routines
14) Streamlined interface and add more automation
15) An installer is provided, but is untested
Abandoned (for now):
1) gzip encoding for image uploads
2) MD5Sum checking for image uploads
Still to go:
1) Advanced Album Creation Options
2) Logging
I'll keep working on it!
If the installer runs, but you still get errors when launching the application, then you will need to make sure you have the following dependencies correctly installed on your system:
* Microsoft Visual Basic 6 SP6 runtime files
* Microsoft Scripting Runtime (scrrun.dll)
* Microsoft XML (MSXML) version 4.0
* Microsoft DAO 3.51
* Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) 2.7
It now works, and is ready for alpha testing distribution.
I told you it would be soon!
Get it at . Sorry for the really crappy site. I through it together in about five minutes.
basetosmug progress report:
1) smugmug API authentication
2) smugmug category downloading, parsing, and database dumping
3) simple smugmug album creation
4) smugmug logout
5) Downloading HTML from pbase galleries
6) Parsing HTML from pbase galleries
7) Dumping parsed pbase HTML elements and image links into a database.
8) Downloading "original" images from pbase galleries into a holding location
9) Uploading images into newly created galleries
10) Uploading parsed pbase data elements into galleries with images
11) A progress bar added for image transfer queue progress.
12) General clean-up
13) Moderate error trapping and handling routines
14) Streamlined interface and add more automation
15) An installer is provided, but is untested
Abandoned (for now):
1) gzip encoding for image uploads
2) MD5Sum checking for image uploads
Still to go:
1) Advanced Album Creation Options
2) Logging
I'll keep working on it!
If the installer runs, but you still get errors when launching the application, then you will need to make sure you have the following dependencies correctly installed on your system:
* Microsoft Visual Basic 6 SP6 runtime files
* Microsoft Scripting Runtime (scrrun.dll)
* Microsoft XML (MSXML) version 4.0
* Microsoft DAO 3.51
* Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) 2.7
I already had to make a new build. Apparently some changes I thought were saved had gotten wiped somehow. I'm trying to be able to walk away from this project for a short while (for a sanity break). Helps to have a working version released.
basetosmug Version 0.1 Build 11 Alpha is now available
Changes from Build 10 to Build 11:
I'll be looking for folks to try this with!
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But I should probably wait until this weekend when I have more time. Thanks for posting this.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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I've gone through all of the tips on the webpage with no success. Doh!
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Well the good news is this:
It's a problem with the installer, and not with the program itself. You are just missing a piece. You cannot create an ActiveX component because one of the depenencies of the program is missing or not installed correctly on your PC. I have an old version of InstallShield Express (3.54) that I made this with, so I was having a bit of trouble determining and setting all the needed files.
The bad news is this:
I don't know which piece.
- Did you install Build 10 or Build 11? The installer for Build 10 was missing two needed DLLs that I wrote.
- Is there a scrrun.dll file in your Windows\System32 directory?
I'm out of town this weekend, and will try and make another installer early next week. If I knew what piece wasn't installing correctly, It would make fixing the installer much easier. I wish I had an easy way of knowing which "ActiveX" object could not be created.Thanks for all your work.
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No problem.
I've just posted a build 13 with the following changes:
- Rearranged startup and shutdown order
- Added diagnostic logging to Form_Load() and Form_QueryUnload() subroutines.
- Added Access 97 Object to Installer. (I think this is what was missing).
Please download and install build 13. If you still get ActiveX object creation errors, then I need to get your log file from you to see where it is occurring.EDIT: BTW, the URI for getting basetosmug is
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basetosmug 0.1 Build 14 (Alpha) is now available with the following improvements:
basetosmug 0.1 Build 15 (Alpha) is now available with the following improvements:
All the stuff I added to Build 14 in the last 24 hours
- Fixed error in the SmugAPI class where captions and filenames were not being encoded when uploading images
- Fixed error in the SmugAPI class where the method to create an album was called before assigning the description to that album
A great way to copy Pbase galleries to Smugmug. A tremendous tool.
Thanks a bunch!
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