canon 20d firmware update
usa site here
and japanese site (in english) here
and japanese site (in english) here
As someone who is about to come to NY in January to buy a 20D... is there something here I should know? A bit distressed to see in the link that the softward fixes the problem of shutter release not working!! This has me a bit worried.
Have people been having a lot of problems with the 20d?
I never had any of the problems that caused Canon to update the firmware. I think the problems are very infrequent, but when they happen they generate a lot of noise. I am, however, running the latest firmware (with the exception of today's). Do not fear to buy a 20D.
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As Bill commented, don't be afraid of purchasing a 20D. That "shutter" problem, was really the "lock up" issue. Where the camera would sort of get lost and not be able to take a pic, without first removing and replacing the battery, to reset it. Many folks never had that problem. I know that Andy hasn't and I know I haven't. Between us we must have about 7500 shots taken and no problems
It's a great camera, and there is really no need to worry
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson