Atlantis Liftoff
I'm not sure if this is the right forum but wanted to share with someone. I took these pictures this morning in Titusville, FL. I started down on Wednesday and got about half way there before I found out that the launch was scrubbed. I went down yesterday and waited for two hours before it was scrubbed and then drove the 2 1/2 hours today and it finally went up. I used my D200 with my 80-400mm lens on a tripod. I was about 6 miles from the pad. I had my camera set on Aperature priority at f8 but made a mistake and set the exposure comp at -.3 and that caused my pictures to come out dark so I had to do some Post Processing. I hope that you enjoy them and let me know what you think. The whole set can be found at

This one has been cropped.

I tried to crop this on but there is too much grain when I do.

This one has been cropped.

I tried to crop this on but there is too much grain when I do.
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Three passions wildlife, golf and the STEELERS
Nikon D4, D300
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Three passions wildlife, golf and the STEELERS
Nikon D4, D300
I was married in Orlando last year and the Shuttle was scheduled to launch 2 days after we were to come back (sorry dear, we can't come home just yet).
We extended our stay, but to make a long story short, the launch ended up being delayed several weeks ...
So my question is, what did it sound like from 6 miles away?
You could hear the rumble coming at you. It just kept getting louder and louder. At 6 miles it wasn't like the feeling you get at a fireworks display but the rumble was awsome.
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Three passions wildlife, golf and the STEELERS
Nikon D4, D300
I'm dying to see a launch!
Thanks everyone for your comments.
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Three passions wildlife, golf and the STEELERS
Nikon D4, D300
great shots
I was actually disappointed in the sound when I was there. It had been hyped to me by so many people. But it just didn't carry, probably because it was a night launch and was cold (for Florida).
If they didn't launch on Saturday they had already planned an attempt on the 28th or 29th and it would have been a night launch. So I would bet that you are right. They will have some night launchs in the future.
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Three passions wildlife, golf and the STEELERS
Nikon D4, D300
Very nice shots from Titusville. I'm new to the site, joining after seeing a question on shooting the shuttle posed the other day. And I took a quick look to see if anyone had shared any of the recent one.
I always like to see others' shots. Good job!
P.S. you were 11.5 miles from the pad from your location. Next time you look at the shuttle, think...or compare...the fact that the shuttle is as tall as an 18 story building :-) It's a lot bigger than people think.
I really like this one! I'm so glad you were able to catch the launch!
Anyways, I enjoyed your shots. You did a good job lightening them up.
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In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. ~Aaron Rose