a little PC help Please

Sunday computer running great......Monday approx 18 hours later - - - cpu monitor showing 100% usage :scratch ....Task Manager showing same :scratch ......can't open anything and can't force an anti-virus update for Avast or AVG :splat .....
Never leave anythng runing in background except for the A.V. software.
Anyone have a clue as to what can cause this and how to fix prob?
Never leave anythng runing in background except for the A.V. software.
Anyone have a clue as to what can cause this and how to fix prob?
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Some process is off in the weeds. I have had this happen from time to time with programs that are normally very well behaved, including Firefox and Photoshop CS2. Not often, fortunately.
Open the task manager and click on the processes tab. Then click on the CPU heading to sort the list in order of current cpu consumption. The rogue will be at the top. You can then select the process and hit the end process button. In some cases, you will lose data this way, but you really don't have any choice... the process is likely in an infinite loop and is never going to complete. Your only other alternative is powering down the machine, but this is much more likely to lead to problems.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
If you weren't running any new, untested software the most likely cause of the problem was some transient hardware problem. Power fluctuation, random read error, some zero that should have been a one. There is nothing to be concerned about here unless you start seeing this happen frequently.
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Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Thanks again to all and especially Richard.
A bit of an extended explanation on this bit: the processes which Windows requires to run are protected so you can't end them via Task Manager. The only "essential" process other than the protected ones is explorer.exe (which is the Windows shell - Start menu, desktop, etc). Software or hardware that's been installed on a machine may/will install more processes which run in the background and may be required for that particular piece of software or hardware, but usually killing them won't destabalize a system unless the process program is written badly, and sadly a percentage of them are badly written.
Generally though, it's safe to kill most processes without seriously destabilizing a system (although using the system before rebooting may bring up wierd quirks regarding the killed process); you can find what the process does (and thus if you need to worry about killing it) via a Google search for the process name. If it happens to be a process which is fairly essential to keep running (such as antivirus), most non-critical processes let you set CPU priority to lower than normal, which means other programs will be first in line for CPU time. A neat trick if you're running some insanely long Photoshop action or other CPU-hog operation is to fire up Task Manager and lower the priority of the offending application so you can surf the net/watch video/whatever at full speed while the other process finishes in the background.
My situation is this....turn on PC..all loads up fine, after all is loaded the cpu usage meter shows 100% and I cannot get to internet to google the only thing I can seem to get to come up is task mgr......still not at home 'puter yet will try doing the delete processes as Richard suggested and will report back as to effectiveness.....
One other idea: I also get this kind of behavior when I have my iPod connected on start up. My iPod is connected via Firewire, and I think Windows gets very confused when is sees the iPod attached at start up, so I have learned to always disconnect (guess I need a dock).
Thanks again
I have come to the conclusion that my prob has to do with IE...cause when I go into FF and serf da net....my cpu usage stays below 15% most around 3 to 8%.......damn MS products.......
But on FF I can play and play and not lock up.....
I gather that the machine is running better now; the issue you were having before may have been IE, although as it doesn't run by default when Windows loads, it's unlikely. More likely, if it was happening on startup, it was either a frozen system process or driver, or possibly a non-essential application. The other possible cause of a badly performing system that doesn't show up with Task Manager is an overactive disk subsystem (some viri or Antivirus programs tend to stress the disk but not the CPU). Windows Performance Monitor works well for checking this (among basically all other facets of how the system's running); details at http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/Windows2000Pro/reskit/part6/proch27.mspx?mfr=true.
As far as startup, BootVis is a great utility for checking what happens (published by Microsoft - only works with Windows XP) - http://www.majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=664. I'd install this and watch for issues. If the performance issues happen on startup run Bootvis and see what loads when the CPU/disk usage spikes and stays spiked. If you notice anything in particular, feel free to post it here so we can diagnose it. Isn't free tech support great?