Challenge 27 Lynnma

Mixed shadows...
Is this any better than the chair I have up in the challenge or not.. I have no idea any more
Is this any better than the chair I have up in the challenge or not.. I have no idea any more

The Chair! The Chair is so superior I really am wondering......... I think after we do our Challenge and post it, we almost need another one to work on right away or our brains do some sort of walkabout.
I have been working on photo things the whole time, so this time I am not wishing for more. For you, I would suggest something to keep busy with, this challenge will be over soon, on to another one............
It Is The Chair.
ginger (What are you hoping for next? I didn't vote, don't know if it is still open, but nothing appealed to me. So often I vote, then I realize that this is not my thing at all. I knew I could do shadows, not as well as I did them, but knew I could get something. On the choices this time.......I am not sure.
And what is with this tryptich thing. I know what they do they translate to photography like we do it?)
I end up taking pictures of anything and everything...
ok ok ok ok!:D
the chair...