Puppy Time!
I'm good with horses...not so good with puppies! A friend has invited me to come expiriment with their golden tomorrow, if the weather here continues to act as it has been we'll probably be stuck inside 
Either way, any suggestions? Especially for eyes, I'd really love to be able to bring out his puppy "person"ality!
Thanks and I'll be sure to post some either way!

Either way, any suggestions? Especially for eyes, I'd really love to be able to bring out his puppy "person"ality!
Thanks and I'll be sure to post some either way!
Christina Dale
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Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
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Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
I like the informal candids of puppies just doing what they like to do. So I would suggest just following it around at first and trying to catch it doing something interesting/cute.
I usually use a telephoto and get down low to the ground to be close to their eye level. This way you can capture the pup doing whatever activity is fun at that very moment, without the pup being too interested in what you are doing (pups like to lick cameras/lenses
Everyone likes a photo of a sleeping puppy as well. Zoom in, crop close, and you should get some adorable shots this way.
If you are trying to get a bit more of a posed shot, you will likely need assistance. Plan your shot for basic composition (getting foreground/background the way you want). Getting the pup in place will likely require the use of a leash (try and keep it coming from behind and at an angle, and keep it low by having the handler step on it). You are just trying to prevent forward movement, because you are going to use some kind of treat to get them to sit/look your way, etc.) The leash is a bit of an anchor to keep them in the shot.
Not the easiest shot to take. Using a tripod with a shutter release allows you to interact with the pup a bit and simply fire off some shots while you try to keep the pup's attention.
Just a couple of ideas ...
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Hehe! Oh! That I had seen your post prior to visiting the pup!
The people live in a lovely old house, which unforunatly is built like a lovely old house...small rooms with limited electrical outlets. Also, the rain vaguely behaved but they have no yard to speak of...so it was a definate trial and error kind of day. It was also my first day playing with my speedlight (I'm used to my old one setting only flash for my 20 yr old Canon SLR.)
Soo!! A few pictures.
On the way to their house I see this...
A little kiss turns it in to this...
(Just thought that was cute and HAD to share...sorry!)
Sheba, Golden Puppy (All photos uneditted and pretty much uncropped)
Taking a nap BEFORE pictures to ensure maxium tornado-esque ability.
I'd rather chew on my "brother's" ear...
OOPS! I thought I was SUPPOSED to be running.
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Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
good things. So is sitting and watching for a time.
As far as angles go, low and looking up or at eye level are best
(at least I think so).
And then we went back inside and attempted some pictures in there...
One second I'm cute....
The next I'm attacking the cat! Wooo Hoo
Hehe, the humans let us get on the Davenport!
Sorry for posting so many, but I kept the size down so lower bandwidth people could still see. She's a very cute puppy. So fuzzy too, you can just snuggle with her.
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Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers