Ch.73: Dancers

I know I'm entering Rutt's unchallenged territory, but.. man's gotta shoot:-)
Behold: Synchronicity of the Dance:
Behold: Synchronicity of the Dance:

"May the f/stop be with you!"
I must say, the color original was not even remotely appealing.
But a tight crop and some bw treatment helped :-)
I see a little bit of "non-black" under the far left leg... doesn't look intentional, should be an easy fix.
Thanks, mate!
Non-black...hmm. I highly doubt any color could survive 100% desaturation
Did you do any fun this weekend?
Went to early entry at the zoo today... will have some posts later (probably tomorrow!). Need to work on my RAWflow.
What about losing that frame and title and letting it stand on it's own as a photograph instead of a poster?
BTW: I'm hardly unchallenged. Ballet photography is very competitive. After all, what's human endeavor is more beautiful?
Thanks a lot!!
Should be fixed now:-)
Yeah, me too. I got a bunch from the sunset, they are good, but a lot of work needed...
Thank you, mastah!
You mean like this?
Synchronicity of the dance:
I don't know...
In general - yes, but here at dgrin..
Nice pic btw!
Off-topic: Oh boy new smileys! :ivar
Thank you for looking and commenting!
I still have some time to decide on which one to use...
Of course, I might be persuaded otherwise if I saw a version with the heads on.
I also strongly agree that the picture is much better without the frame. I think frames, if used at all, should never draw attention away from the subject, which means they should gently and unobtrusively give the image a base. Too much frame and the big title throw off the design.
Again, beautiful, beautiful photo.
Thank you very much for your detailed commenting, I do appreciate it a lot.
Heads... Well, if you insist, here's the semi-original photo (trimmed a bit):
Quite a shocking difference, eh?;-)
From how I see it, heads do not add well to the image I was trying to convey...
I think you all guys made your point - I'll replace the entry with borderless one.... Thank you very much!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
The reason you like them, I think, is that they add weight to the bottom, moving the eye downward and compensating for the decapitations. But people who look closely enough to judge are going to see that anyway.
I think you get more splash by making your image as large as the contest allows and not wasting screen pixels on extraneous stuff. It project confidence in the image to do that.
I think you are correct. You have actually verbalized my gut feeling when I added it - I didn't realized it myself, I just felt I need something extra.:-)
I also agree that dropping the matte makes it bigger and "pop" better.
Once again, I appreciate your friendly and very useful C&C!
I'm glad we're one the same wagon.
In fact, it was a "mental" decision for me, since I also don't like cutting off limbs or heads. But in this particular case it just felt right to do it.
Thank you very much for your comments!
If nothing else, I feel much better about my "trimming" decision now.:-)
Thank you! I guess I made the right choice then by dropping the frame:-)
Thank you for your kind words!
As to your question: I honestly don't know.
If push comes to shove, I'd probably ask to be relieved of the jury duty, at least for this session. There are plenty of talented people around who didn't participate in this challenge for whatever reason. I also don't always play, in fact, I probably participated in less than a dozen thus far, so it's a fair chance that I can play the "guest judge" role some time later.
Besides, the last challenge was officially two-way tie (and, in all honesty, I think it was a three-way tie:-), so if Truth (and LiquidAir) decide not to play in this one, Andy will get plenty of help even without me:-).
I think we'll hear from him when it comes to the closing time.
Just got a confirmation - as a (co-)winner of the previous challenge, I'm not eligible for this one.
Thank you everybody who helped me to build this image!
And I'm truly sorry I wasted your time and efforts on a "non-entry"..
It's still a cool shot.
Appreciate it!
As I mentioned earlier, I was not eligible to participate in this contest.
But, guess what: the owners of the dance studio liked the picture and - I MADE SALE!!!
That's awesome Nik!
Hey, super cool! I was reading re the framing. I liked your photo a lot and thought it was a strong challenge entry.
I come down to this the post re the sale.........and cool, very cool!!
I'm excited (can you tell?)
Thank you, appreciate your attention!
Thank you!
I agree, it looks even better w/o the frame..
But they have purchased it "as is", anyways:-)
Xoxo! :-)