Street scene: comments requested

I can't decide whether I really like this one or not. Something bothers me about it. I think perhaps the people are too dark, but I'm not sure that's the problem, as the shot is really about the buildings.

What do you think?
I love architectural shots. This one has some really nice elements - the play of shadow and light, geometry, texture...
Perhaps the distraction is the couple in the shot. If they were not in the frame, the clear focus would be the buildings but with them there, I tend to look at their inclusion as purposeful and my mind is drawn to the interplay of the people and their surroundings rather than the surroundings.
IR Modified Sony F717
I wonder what would happen if you cropped out that bit of sky at the top and cropped level with the corner of the building ono the right. That way you would get rid of the posts in the foreground which don't (again IMNSHO) contribute very much.
Technically, you've handled the light and shadow well -- there aren't any blown highlights and the detail is good in all areas of the picture. (You might want to dodge the girl in the dark outfit a little to give a tad more detail.)
just my take on it-
used photomatix to combine a light and dark version to lessen the shadows a little and darken the highlights a little-
added some 'grain'-
I dunno-
will delete if you don't want this edited version here-
George: I don't mind at all when people try to rework my shots. At least you didn't put a chicken in this one. I must say, I don't really care for the grain, as it obscures some of the detail in the building on the left. But I do like the lighter foreground.
I checked out the Photomatix web site. Looks interesting but I don't know that I want to spend a hundred bucks on it. I have mostly been attacking the dynamic range problem with multiple RAW conversions and masked layers in PS, but haven't found a general solution yet. My CS2 HDR attempts have all failed miserably. I am hoping that a new tripod, head and cable release will help.
very tempting-
it could peck at the grain-
I really like it, and the people in shadow - the bottom of the scene in shadow- balance the top 1/4 of the photo, which is also shaded. Nice color too! And contrast
Thanks, Gerald. Glad you liked it.
"AMATEURS try till they get it right, PROS try till they cannot possibly get it wrong."
Gallery -
I'm at a loss for words-
usually people ignore my comments or delete them-
To me, it's the plant behind the man's head.
I would also try to get a shot with just one person walking away from the camera somewhere around the bend/curve.
I like people in such shots.