Popular Photo definition
What is the difference or relationship between the thumbs up/down vote and the photo ranking vote (in add comment) when determining popular photos?
Is there any way to use the statistics hit counts to determine the popular photos?
Is there any way to use the statistics hit counts to determine the popular photos?
Kelly Chamberlain
Hi, it's explained here:
I hope this helps. If you have further questions, let us know!
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I do senior portraits. Susie has her own gallery. Susie's friends and relatives browse the gallery and vote, or rank, or just "hit". Now Susie and I want to know which of Susie's photos are most popular. Ideally, we would like Susie's pics to be sorted by popularity in her gallery.
As I understand SmugMug's popular photo feature, there is no way to view the "popular" pics in one gallery (Knowing which is least popular is as important as know which is most popular). Also, I can't find a way to view the popular "score" for a pic.
So currently, I view the stats for the gallery and then manually arrange the photos according to hit count.
Is there a better way?
Also, if three people vote thumbs up for pic A, and one person ranks pic B with 5 stars, which one is most popular?