It finally camera died!

So there I was with my (as it turns out after doing the math) my 2 year old 20D with over 100,000 photos. Not sure of the real count, canon does not make that info available. Anyway, so there I am at the reception. Big crazy dance going on, and I get an error 99. No problem, I pop the battery out and put it back in and...and...the shutter is clicking like I am taking pictures, only, I am not taking picture.
I turn the camera off and it is still clicking. Oh great, my camera has turned into a zombie in search for brains. I turn around and grab the hot spare camera from Jen and finish the night. Later, we pull the backup battery and try to do a full reset. But nothing works. The camera is truly fried. I do some internet searches and make a post and find confirmations.
So I feel good and bad. Good in that I killed a camera with use, it went out in a blaze of glory, instead of going out because of an accident or choking on a butterfly or something stupid like that. But I also feel bad because my trusty camera is no more. So it's off to B&H to buy its replacement. It has some big shoes to fill :wink
p.s. There is also another moral to the story. Under no circumstances should you do a job without a backup camera or other equipment. Stuff can and will go bad on you at the worst possible times.
I turn the camera off and it is still clicking. Oh great, my camera has turned into a zombie in search for brains. I turn around and grab the hot spare camera from Jen and finish the night. Later, we pull the backup battery and try to do a full reset. But nothing works. The camera is truly fried. I do some internet searches and make a post and find confirmations.
So I feel good and bad. Good in that I killed a camera with use, it went out in a blaze of glory, instead of going out because of an accident or choking on a butterfly or something stupid like that. But I also feel bad because my trusty camera is no more. So it's off to B&H to buy its replacement. It has some big shoes to fill :wink
p.s. There is also another moral to the story. Under no circumstances should you do a job without a backup camera or other equipment. Stuff can and will go bad on you at the worst possible times.
Creator of Dgrin's "Last Photographer Standing" contest
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
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Lucky get a new camera!!!
Backup camera....check!!
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Ok, here is the bad part. I need a new camera before my next wedding which is on Friday. So that means I have to pick up a 20D. And in a few days after that, the 40D, which is what I really want, will be announced (so the rumor goes) at photokina. Bah, the timing is terrible.
I could go 30D, but it doesn't excite me any more than the 20D does. So I might as well get a little excitement by saving some cash. I might just turn around and sell it to get the 40D later. Yes, that does excite me more :-)
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Hence my suggestion to go see Troy
Plus, you could pick it up in person
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Looking at the purchase cost in these terms, why not go big at B&H?
BTW, if you are in a jam, you are welcome to use my 5D. Just holler, no problem. I have no shoot scheduled on Friday.
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"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
I have two items I want to get that are more important than a tricked out camera. Firstly, a 24mm f/1.4 lens, and the big one is 6 pocketwizard multimax units to replace my pocketwizard plus units.
So I need to be conservative on the camera portion :-)
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
No way to repair it?
I realize in your business you can't wait weeks for a repair to be made, but it's not repairable at all?
I might send it in just to get them to do an image count for me and a quote, that would be interesting
But I think I might put the camea under a bell jar and keep it like some shopkeepers keep the first dollar bill they made hehehe
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
But I think I might put the camea under a bell jar and keep it like some shopkeepers keep the first dollar bill they made hehehe[/quote]
I was just thinking that same thing almost........putting it in a shadox box with a few of your wedding shots........even cooler with the actual image count displayed in there somewhere too!!
That camera did a lot for you.....give that baby a tribute!!!!
Let me ask a question, the answer to which must be obvious to you (but isn't to me, since I haven't dealt with this before) -- assuming that you had time to wait for your 20D to be repaired (I understand that you didn't), would the cost of repairing this 20D have been prohibitive?
I had to sent my dead 420ex flash to Canon and they would repair anything on it for a flat $95 (including shipping). I imagine this wouldn't be a simple camera repair ... and your 20D is no doubt due for a new shutter, regardless, at over 100K actuations.
Have you been through repairs of similar cameras in the past to know that they'd be ridiculously expen$ive relative to what the body's worth?
Supported by: Benro C-298 Flexpod tripod, MC96 monopod, Induro PHQ1 head
Also play with: studio strobes, umbrellas, softboxes, ...and a partridge in a pear tree...
Well after doing a little more research, it looks like the cost is either going to be around 200 bucks or close to 700, depending on what exactly is wrong. So, I am going to send it in to get a repair quote, and I am curious to see the image count too.
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Couldn't you rent a camera for Friday's event, leaving you open to buy the new 40D when it comes on market?
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
God!! I knew I really liked you for a reason. Quoting lines from my all time favorite movie
I saw the post, at the other place, about the possiblity of it being only a $200+ job. Good luck to you, whatever you decide to do. As long as your decision isn't to let Jen shoot with the spasmodic 20D
There are rumors that a 40D may be announced at Photokina within the next week, but I think that's way too soon. The 30D just came out a few months ago. I'd look for a 1-series pro body announcement at Photokina and a new one in the prosumer (10D-20D-30D) series perhaps next spring. ....Unless Shay wants to pop for a 1-series body in the next month or so?
(not that I would mind seeing a serious update to the 20D come sooner, rather than later! the 30D was mostly firmware tweaks, no real advancements)
Supported by: Benro C-298 Flexpod tripod, MC96 monopod, Induro PHQ1 head
Also play with: studio strobes, umbrellas, softboxes, ...and a partridge in a pear tree...
Perhaps it will help if it knows I love and cherish it.
You think capturing the shot of that streaker at one of the last weddings had something to do with its early demise?
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Granted, this does nothing for you today, if you have a shoot on Friday! I too am saddened by the loss of a Canon 20D. I'm a starving artist without a backup DSLR, so if she goes... :cry
Good luck!
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Image Specialist & Pro Concierge