That's cool... looks like one of those pics you would take in the booths at the boardwalk on a beach. What post processing did you use to get this effect?
My Gear:D200, D80, 50 f/1.4, 28-75 f/2.8, 55-200 f/4-5.6, 18-55 f/3.5-5.6, 70-200 f2.8, (4) White Lightning Ultra 1200's, SB600, (2) Lightspheres, 17" Macbook Pro, 24" Apple Imac, Thinkpad T42, Epson R-260, PSCS2, Adobe Lightroom, Apple Aperture, PS Elements 4
They were sitting against a wall lit from window to their right.
After the B&W conversion, spent about an hour trying different combinations of filters, blur and grain till it looked like this.
After the B&W conversion, spent about an hour trying different combinations of filters, blur and grain till it looked like this.