Copyright Release forms

I tried searching for this in the archives, but was unsuccessful. Does anyone have examples of generic copyright release forms for when you wish to authorize a customer to reproduce your images?
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Thanks so much. I appreciate the information, however it does not appear that these address the specific form I'm looking for. I am looking for a generic release form that I can sign to give the model permission to have images that I've taken reproduced. In other words, I'm giving her some images on a disc and in order for her to have them printed, the photo store will require a signed copyright release from me. I'm having trouble locating that form. I have model release forms which is what the links you sent seem to address.
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Thanks Shay!
so far all the processors have called to double check even with the notory stamp.....
It stated that I ( full name) was giving full and complete rights to use digital files (name and number of files) contained on CD for a period of 1 year, including the rights to change the layered tiff files to meet her future requirements, so long as my contact info (copyright with email addy) stayed intact on the finished product.
Signed____________________ this day of month of year.
took to a local grocery store and had it notorized....
This is not the exact language i used...but what I used was very plain american english....not law english.....
I am sure if there is a law school near you, that you could get a student to draft you a really legal ezed one for almost nothing, especially if they are into the contract writing section for the term.
Read Me
All images are copyright ©2006 Allen W. Miller. All rights reserved.
Unrestricted publication rights are granted to ____________ as long as the following conditions are met:
Any publication or reproduction of these images must include the photographers name and a copyright symbol.
(Put contact info here.)
This file can be changed to "No Publication or Reproduction Allowed" or any conditions or permissions you as the photographer want to allow. This is legal and binding. Print a paper copy if needed. Another alternative is to include a scan of a paper document that has your signature on it.
While you own the copyright, if you register the image with the copyright office it is a lot easier to go after someone who might be using your image(s) illegally. (You can register many images for cost of one registration fee.)
But... this is not legal advice!
Hope this is helpful.
"Photography is a medium of formidable contradictions. It is ridiculously easy and almost impossibly difficult." Edward Steichen
What a great suggestion. Thank you.
non-related but illustrative story: Many years ago I worked for a defense contracting company with very tight security. Those of us who ran the computer systems had a need to move media and equipment ("computers, tapes, disks") between buildings, so we had a pass that said we could do so. Every year they had to be renewed, and I took care of that. One year I happened to add "etc." to the list of items we could move, so now it read "computers, tapes, disks, etc." The guys at the security desk looked at my pass, now with "etc." on it, and told me that effectively it meant I could move the VP's desk if I wanted - it literally meant anything. That's certainly not what management wanted, but that's what they signed off.
my words, my "pro"pictures, my "fun" pictures, my videos.
Very helpful i edited it a little wee bit though!!
Permission is granted to ______for personal use and reproduction only.
### Will remain owner of all copyright and grants permission only for reproduction for personal use. Any sale of any image in connection with this agreement is strickly prohibited. Any publication or exhibition is also prohibited without mutual consent of the parties involved in this agreement.
Any publication or reproduction, as mutually agreed, of these images must include the photographers name and copyright symbol as shown below
That covers me from them selling or displaying them on a website without giving me my props, grants them permission to print them for their personal use.
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oh dear