VENDOR: Paint by Number
Hello all..
I've developed a popular website, Segmation (, which contains the web's largest, freely available online paint by number patterns. I have several thousand vistors a day on the site choosing among thousands of patterns to color. The photorealistic patterns are created by a propritary software process, which I developed and tuned over the past five years.
You can check out the online stuff (called SegPlay) at
In the past, I've done a number of good collaborations with photographers, turning some of their photos into paint-by-number patterns. In most of these cases I've converted a few of their works in a SegPlay category. The patterns are linked with the photographer's name and website, and provide an innovative way for the artist to get some notority and web traffic. Additionally there are links available to SegPlay for photographers to point their own web vistors to, for an innovative, creative activity involving their own photographs.
I'm always looking to add new photos for this project. If interested, drop me an email at:
Also, with the recent release of our "for sale" desktop SegPlayPC version, there is now the possibility of some licensing opportunities which we can discuss.
Mark F
I've developed a popular website, Segmation (, which contains the web's largest, freely available online paint by number patterns. I have several thousand vistors a day on the site choosing among thousands of patterns to color. The photorealistic patterns are created by a propritary software process, which I developed and tuned over the past five years.
You can check out the online stuff (called SegPlay) at
In the past, I've done a number of good collaborations with photographers, turning some of their photos into paint-by-number patterns. In most of these cases I've converted a few of their works in a SegPlay category. The patterns are linked with the photographer's name and website, and provide an innovative way for the artist to get some notority and web traffic. Additionally there are links available to SegPlay for photographers to point their own web vistors to, for an innovative, creative activity involving their own photographs.
I'm always looking to add new photos for this project. If interested, drop me an email at:
Also, with the recent release of our "for sale" desktop SegPlayPC version, there is now the possibility of some licensing opportunities which we can discuss.
Mark F