Røros, Norway
oh well, usually my posts have zero nil comments on dgrin, oh well, i dont care anylonger, main thing is i'm happy with them myself and i get critique on other photo sites: two shots from the small mining town Røros in Norway, on UNESCO's World Heritage list 

The first image... I just can't get a handle on it. I wish the top of the building on the left wasn't cut off, and it's just crooked. Not enough to work like #2, but just enough to know that the horizon is off and there's some major barrel effects. Too bad, that car with the lights on in the alley is pretty effective. Maybe a crop?
I like them quite a lot. That mining town sounds like an interesting place to photograph. What is mined there? I'll have to look it up and read about it.
The clock tower shot is different and I think it works well the way you composed it. The sky is great in that shot. Seems like Norway has a moody and sombre sky in your photos.
I looked at your website and your work is excellent.
One thing I really like to see is the detail like you've shown in the mining town-- the store window, the open window above, the steps into the store, the things that give you some kind of insight into the inhabitants. Seems much more interesting than where I live.
I really like #2 as well, looks like heavy burning of the sky and edges of the tower, am I right? Very effective results.