looking for a CPL for EF-S 10-22

Anyone have a recomendation for a good circular polarizing filter in the 77mm size that doesn't vingete a wide angle? (and hopefully doesn't cost half as much as the lens!)
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It's not the bad filter, it's the laws of physics.
Polarizing effect depends on and changes with the angle. With the super wide lenses, such as 10-22 you WILL get "inverse vignetting" (corners lighter than the center) no matter what CPL you use, brand or price.
It's just the nature of the things.
Yeah, that part I'm "ok" with... it's the ones that stick out so far they are visible in the corners that I'm talking about. Like the one I picked up at our local camera store and have already returned. (next time I *will* take my camera and lens along and try it right there in the store.)
It looks like B+W has a "slim" line of filters to deal with this case... anyone tried them?
Hoya, B+W, others, here:
2filter.com is a great source, I buy from them a lot.
Wherever you buy from, get the SUPER SLIM with NO front threads. Best for avoiding vigging.
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yeah, since I have a shopping cart already open with B+H for a Crumpler bag, I was thinking of sticking with them for the filter... currently debating if the extra $55 to go from glass to multi coated glass is worth it.
$110 http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=productlist&A=details&Q=&sku=133012&is=REG&addedTroughType=categoryNavigation
$165 http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=productlist&A=details&Q=&sku=133003&is=REG&addedTroughType=categoryNavigation
it probably is.....
Can you see it? It's visible in the lower right-hand corner, and is easily correctable in PS. I didn't bother fixing it in this shot because I think most folks wouldn't notice. And again, in most shots I see absolutely no vig.
I think for the ease of handling, plus the ability to use the standard lens cap with this filter, I'd still make the same choice and get the standard thickness CP.
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And the upper right too. Those are considerably less than what I got with the local one. (I didn't keep the test image, or I would post it, but figure about 15x the size of that on all four corners.) I've never minded pop-over lens caps really... so I'm not too worried about that aspect. Especially since I don't shoot with a CPL all the time.
Beautifull shot btw. It's shots very much like yours, and Nikolai's from the shoot out that I'll be looking to capture on an upcomming trip to just over the mountain from you in Fort Mohave. (well, actually I expect to be shooting up in Utah, and at the grand canyon more than in town, but that's where we'll be staying with my folks
Thanks for the kind words about the shot. I've processed about half the pictures from my trip across country (we just moved here from NY), and put them up on a website if you want to check them out. Most of the shots are wide-angle with the CPL. You can see the EXIFs when viewing a picture by clicking on the i. http://www.jacara.com/cpg144/thumbnails.php?album=17
So your parents are in Fort Mohave? That's just an hour from here over the mountain, as you say, and a very nice mountain at that. Utah is awesome, man. Spend a much time there as you can.
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Yeah, looking forward to it. I'll wave at the mountain and call out "Howdy Joel"... while I already know it'll echo nice from my folks place, I doubt it will make it all the way.
I was in a similar situation with my Sigma 10-20 on my 20D/30D - I got the slim Nikon filter - works perfectly with no vignetting.
I have to wonder how you expect to continue to get this kind of service from a local store if you abuse them this way. They provided you with easy access to the product, helped you save lots of $$ by allowing you to decide between competing products, and then you walk out and purchase from an on-line store because their prices "were a little better."
Just something to think about.
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I have the same problem with my Tokina 12-24 and standard CP. After much searching and amazement at the retail prices of top-of-the-line slim CPLs from Hoya, B+H, Singh Ray etc., I decided to take a chance and order a Kenko brand (i like their TC) from Hong Kong thru eBay. Kenko, Tokina and Hoya are owned by THK.
Total cost was $70. Should have it next week. Here are the specs:
Kenko 77mm Pro1 Digital WIDE BAND Circular Polarizer Filter DMC
Not at all. I thought the same thing. If I need to walk into a local B&M store for help, I'll buy from them when I can. It's not all about bottom dollar price--service & accessibility count for something.
On the flip side, for filters I pretty much know what I need, so I go to maxsaver.net.