Macro Lens Advice?

I want a macro lens. I want one soooo bad. I've got a Sony Alpha (A100) and am learning the in's and out's of a camera that isn't a PBD (push button dummy)...
I've done some research and reading about lenses, blah blah, and I think I've settled on a 100mm instead of 50mm, 85mm, or 105mm... which are all out there in various states of being with Maxxum mounts. I want to take closeups of everyday items and of things outside: flowers, bugs, you name it.
So my question is... is this a good choice for me?
The lens in particular I've settled on is a Konica Minolta 100mm f/2.8 (D). It works with the digital metering for the flash (I have a Minolta 3600D flash as well) so I'd like a macro that can work that too, that's why I'm looking at Minoltas).
Any feedback would be appreciated. It's a pricey bugger - $600! There's one on ebay at around 480, but with 2 days and 4 bids I think it'll come close to the new retail price
I want a macro lens. I want one soooo bad. I've got a Sony Alpha (A100) and am learning the in's and out's of a camera that isn't a PBD (push button dummy)...

So my question is... is this a good choice for me?
The lens in particular I've settled on is a Konica Minolta 100mm f/2.8 (D). It works with the digital metering for the flash (I have a Minolta 3600D flash as well) so I'd like a macro that can work that too, that's why I'm looking at Minoltas).
Any feedback would be appreciated. It's a pricey bugger - $600! There's one on ebay at around 480, but with 2 days and 4 bids I think it'll come close to the new retail price

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All I can suggest is if the price is already at $480 with 2 days to go, you may as well buy a brand new one from a reputable company... I do not know if KM/Sony will be as picky as other companies regarding gray market equipment, but that is something you need to watch out for when on EBay. The used market for KM/Sony is not as ripe as Canon/Nikon is for deals. Good luck on your purchase.
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If you have to have the Minolta name, this looks like a great lens to have.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
I noticed the 2nd hand market isn't as rich with offers for minolta/sony as with other brands. I suppose there's some good and bad to that.
I was thinking I'd buy it new as well, given I trust B&H and I don't know the ebay seller from adam (there are a few sellers I've bought lenses from before and they were great lenses and great vendors, but... not the case here).
As for having to have minolta, ziggy, I don't. I just would rather get one that I know will work with the ADI flash metering, and that minolta (d) lens does, according to this chart:
If there are alteratives that would work I'm game. As long as it's a good lens that will give me years of picture pleasure (man that sounded weird to type, but I don't edit myself!) then new, used, minolta, sigma, or borat of khazetstan imaging. Whatever works. I'm open to suggestions.
*edit* Btw, thanks for that link, ziggy. Awesome resource!!! I just noticed those reviews are for the 100mm f2.8 macro, not the 100mm (D), which is at: Ho hum... Decisions, decisions.
Still, the lens gets good reviews at Dyxum, with focus speed and build about the only problems which the reviewers deduct points for. Then again, reviewers talk about the Minolta 100mm, f2.8 macro being slow, but don't detract any points, so I'm not sure that a comparable standard is being employed. (Slow AF is a fairly typical complaint of most true macro lenses, regardless of manufacture.)
In order for ADI to work properly, the lens has to relay distance information, that's the only difference I can see between the "D type" lenses and older designs. I can tell you that the Sigma 18-50mm, f2.8 EX DG that I have does relay distance information to my Canon XT, but Dyxum says that lens for the Minolta mount is not a "D type" lens. Either Sigma choose not to include that feature for the Minolta mount, or the reviewers have not tested for it, it's hard to say. has an excellent return policy (that I have tested twice) and they have the Minolta mount Sigma 105mm, f2.8 Macro EX DG in stock for $360USD. That's enough of a savings that I would suggest a test, but it's your money and that Minolta 100mm macro is a sure thing.;jsessionid=154513514e2df68/shopdata/0020_Lenses/0020_Fixed+Focal+Length/0010_Macro/product_details.shopscript?article=0310_Sigma%2BTelephoto%2B105mm%2Bf%3D26slash%3D3B2%3D252E8%2BEX%2BDG%2BMacro%2BAutofocus%2BLens%2Bfor%2BKonica-Minolta%2BMaxxum%2B%3D28SG105F28DMI%3D29
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Another website to keep when shopping! Thanks!
As it stands I went ahead and ordered the Minolta version new from B&H when I saw the Ebay auction one reached $550 (more than new at B&H!) with 36+ hours to go. Given the sudden demand for new Minolta lenses (of which I am guilty of contributing to!) and the increase in prices, decrease in availability, and that I just want it I figured I'd bite the bullet... Though I did have to promise my husband that I wouldn't buy any more lenses 'til at least Christmas, or November anyway... I didn't say anything about other accessories tho
I cannot believe I didn't get this right from the start. I love it! I've only snapped a few shots of things in the immediate vicinity but wow. Just so much fun! It's great to be able to focus on things soooo close! I'll post some for some criticism and review and all that in a while.
And it works great with the A100 if anyone else is considering one!