Few More Soccer

More snaps from a different match can be found here:
My snaps can be found here:
Unsharp at any Speed
Unsharp at any Speed
Great timing!!!
Unsharp at any Speed
Let me suggest something about harsh light:
Use a ND filter and shoot at 200 ISO
I no longer have harsh light in Portugal but I feel (?) it works.
Thanks Antonio ... I'm willing to try but just can't seem to see how it would help. I understand the ND filter lowering my highlights a zone or two .. but it would also lower the shadows a zone or two also ... making the shadows even darker and keeping the same extreme latitude (zones) between highlights and shadows. But what the heck ... I'll try it.
"I no longer have harsh light in Portugal but I feel (?) it works"
Ahh to live in Portugal ... nows there's the life. Move over Antonio I am on my way there!
Unsharp at any Speed
I agree with you, re: using an ND. But, with this light intensity, a CPL may help some. It definitely does reduce non-metallic glare. So if it works on things like bird beaks, I am thinking it should also help reduce skinglare too
Either that or get these people to schedule games during sweet light...
Nice capture
I'm no CPL expert, but I don't think a CPL would do much good due to the CPL's requirement of having to rotate for the proper degree of polarizing. In soccer, the participants are constantly and swiftly changing direction up and down the field ... as I shift my focal direction to follow, so shifts the direction of the light and in-turn shifts the anti-glare capabilities of a CPL. (Can't rotate a CPL and follow action ... if I was setting up on just the goalie ... then yeah a CPL would work but otherwise ...)
Unsharp at any Speed
These are examples of the use of a ND filter with harsh light.
Better view