>>> challenge 28 - portraits <<<

dgrin challenge 28 is here. it will run from monday, december 13th at 12:00:01 a.m. nyc time, through monday, december 27th at noon nyc time. the guest judge for the challenge will be the winner of challenge 27, as determined by the voters.
remember, in order for everyone to benefit, you should be commenting and critiquing for others as much as you expect to get for yourself. you've got to give to get!
challenge 28 is about "portraits."
what makes a good portrait? lots of different things - lighting is critical, but so are the subject's pose and expression. when i see a portrait, i want to become instantly engaged with the subject, and if that happens, i'll be staring at the portrait for a long time.
portraits can be done in a studio (professional or created at home) or they can be done in situ, which of course is what many will be most able to do. professional and expensive lighting is not required to make a stunning portrait - often window light from a north facing window with a bit of fill provided by a homemade reflector can be enough! i have seen lovely work done by candlelight, moonlight, 30w bulbs, a couple of cheap flashes, and yes, $5,000 studio lights, too. the point is, you can do it a variety of ways! i really have enjoyed situational portraits, where the subject is with his / her work gear or environment, or a favorite thing or animal (a rider and horse for example).
so get out there, and shoot portraits!

and i have some more examples in this gallery
one of my good friends is a fellow from russia named yuri pautov (we're going to recruit him to dgrin this week, guys...) and you can see some of his wonderful portrait work here. the camera yuri shoots with? a sony f707 - so i reiterate, it's *not* about the camera folks, it's the photographer and the technique employed.
here are some other resources for all of us to learn from
article here on photo.net
portraits at photographytips.com
some good examples over in the canon challenge on dpreview here
and here in the sony challenge on dpreview
this thread, is the one into which you post your challenge entry, and remember, one entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during the challenge period. you must post the date the photograph was taken or it will be deemed ineligible.
all of the rules of the dgrin photo challenges apply, please read them!.
***challenge 28 will close to entries on monday, december 27th, 2004 at 12 noon nyc time***
enjoy (challenge) photography,
remember, in order for everyone to benefit, you should be commenting and critiquing for others as much as you expect to get for yourself. you've got to give to get!
challenge 28 is about "portraits."
what makes a good portrait? lots of different things - lighting is critical, but so are the subject's pose and expression. when i see a portrait, i want to become instantly engaged with the subject, and if that happens, i'll be staring at the portrait for a long time.
portraits can be done in a studio (professional or created at home) or they can be done in situ, which of course is what many will be most able to do. professional and expensive lighting is not required to make a stunning portrait - often window light from a north facing window with a bit of fill provided by a homemade reflector can be enough! i have seen lovely work done by candlelight, moonlight, 30w bulbs, a couple of cheap flashes, and yes, $5,000 studio lights, too. the point is, you can do it a variety of ways! i really have enjoyed situational portraits, where the subject is with his / her work gear or environment, or a favorite thing or animal (a rider and horse for example).
so get out there, and shoot portraits!

and i have some more examples in this gallery
one of my good friends is a fellow from russia named yuri pautov (we're going to recruit him to dgrin this week, guys...) and you can see some of his wonderful portrait work here. the camera yuri shoots with? a sony f707 - so i reiterate, it's *not* about the camera folks, it's the photographer and the technique employed.
here are some other resources for all of us to learn from
article here on photo.net
portraits at photographytips.com
some good examples over in the canon challenge on dpreview here
and here in the sony challenge on dpreview
this thread, is the one into which you post your challenge entry, and remember, one entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during the challenge period. you must post the date the photograph was taken or it will be deemed ineligible.
all of the rules of the dgrin photo challenges apply, please read them!.
***challenge 28 will close to entries on monday, december 27th, 2004 at 12 noon nyc time***
enjoy (challenge) photography,
This discussion has been closed.
Photography by ginger
Shot December 14, 2004 By Trish
Shot 12/13/04
Mod 12/16/04
1/60 f4.0 iso100 70mm
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Looks like I'm way out of my league here but I will try. If I remember correctly this was taken on Dec 14th.
December 15, 2004
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
1/20 f8 ISO 400 50mm
Portrait of Ben Gold, chef at Bistro Eurpoa.
Shot on Sunday 19 December 2004. Nikon D1X, 17-55mm @55mm 1/20 @ f2.8 ISO 500.
Taken 12-18-04
sorry this wasn't viewable for a while--I just realized I had the "external links" option OFF on my smugmug gallery! : )
Well I shot lots of beautiful baby photos on the 12th, but that's outside the challenge. So the cat gets it! Shot last night (i.e. 20th dec), Canon 10d, 10.30 pm. Cat not amused.
PS I don't know how to get the EXIF info onto here. I can see it, but I can't copy it. But it goes something like this:
Canon 10d, F2.5, 1/2s, ISO100, 50mm L lens.
PPS: It was suggested to me that I should increase the size. So voila.
Taken 16/12/04.
Canon EOS 30D
Sigma 10-20
Canon 75-300 f4-5.6
Canon 18-55
Canon 50 f1.8
Canon 430EX
Christmas time
my smugmug
My daughter Sahana.
Date shot: 12/19/2004
D70, 50 mm f/1.8 lens, Alien Bees
My two boys, 8 and 3, in a rare calm moment.
Camera Model Name Canon PowerShot S1 IS
Shooting Date/Time 12/19/2004 12:14:10 PM
Shooting Mode Aperture-Priority AE
Tv (Shutter Speed) 1/50
Av (Aperture Value) 3.1
Light Metering Evaluative
Exposure Compensation 0
ISO Speed 100
Lens 5.8 - 58.0mm
Focal Length 14.8mm
Image Stabilizer On
Image Size 1536x2048
Flash Off
White Balance Auto
AF Mode Single AF
Color Space sRGB
12-23-04 f/2.8 1/125 ISO 100 FL 200 (267)
TML Photography
Taken 12/13/2004 during a break from trying for his first successful, tearless visit to Santa Claus.
taken 12/13/2004
aperature f2.8
exposure 1/160
My new nephew Jackson taken on his first day of life.
My first entry.
Nikon D70
Date taken - 12/23/2004
Aperture: f/4.0
Focal Length: 29mm (43mm 35mm)
Exposure Time: 0.0125s (10/800)
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
Canon 10D - 50mm f1.4 - 1/100sec, f2.5, ISO100
Merry Christmas.
Taken 25th December 2004
Mark Oliver Everett
Taken 12/16/2004
Photograph DetailsDate Taken:2004-12-16 16:50:27Date Digitized:2004-12-16 16:50:27Date Modified:2004-12-26 16:58:21Make:NIKONModel: E8700 Size: 1630x2046 Bytes: 2006713 Aperture: f/4.2 ISO: 100 Focal Length: 71.2mm (280mm 35mm) Exposure Time: 0.0079s (10/1265)JPEG Quality:3Flash:89Exposure Program:Normal programExposure Bias:0DigitalZoomRatio:0/100ColorSpace:sRGB
I don't shoot people, but since there are other animal portraits...
Shot with a Panasonic FZ-10, AP mode, ISO100. Parts of the image taken dec 15, others dec 23, and photoshopped up a bit Christmas night :-)
20D | 300D-IR | EF-S 10-22 | EF-S 18-55 | 50 f/1.8 II | 70-200 f/4L | 17-40L | Lensbaby 2.0 | 250D | 550ex | Gitzo 1257 | RRS BH-40 | RRS L-plates
The Blog | The Photos
Date Taken:2004-12-26 14:57:20Date Digitized:2004-12-26 14:57:20Date Modified:2004-12-26 18:35:28Make:CanonModel: Canon EOS-1D Mark II Size: 1658x1790 Bytes: 645008 Aperture: f/4.0 ISO: 1250 Focal Length: 50mm (guess: 90mm in 35mm) Exposure Time: 0.02s (1/50)
Cincinnati Smug Leader
Ultrasound at 34 weeks. GE Accuscan 3D ultrasound photographed with Nikon D70 on 12/23/04
Photography by Sandy
Taken Christmas morning - 12/25/04
Nikon 3100
My first challange entry....
Dec. 16th Dsc F717
Speak with sweet words, for you never know when you may have to eat them....
What did I get for xmas let me think ???????? d70 70 /200 vr