Infrared with Canon 300d

f5.6 - 20 seconds - 400iso - 18-55mm Kit lens - R72 Hoya IR Filter - MF

The photo itself is sucky. I just ran outside and took a shot to see if it would work. The arc is from some kind of light refraction.
I'll be testing and posting with the 50mm 1.8 (which is supposedly more IR sensitive) once I get a step-up ring.
Another crappy photo below
Better ones to come later I promise

Post-processing done using Brad's action.

The photo itself is sucky. I just ran outside and took a shot to see if it would work. The arc is from some kind of light refraction.
I'll be testing and posting with the 50mm 1.8 (which is supposedly more IR sensitive) once I get a step-up ring.
Another crappy photo below

Post-processing done using Brad's action.
Canon Digital Rebel | Canon EOS 35mm | Yashica Electro GSN | Fed5B | Holga 35 MF
hang in there and you can be in infrared nirvana soon!
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I had to set the focus manually (stop laughing....i really did focus) then carefully thread the filter on. Then I set it to AV 5.6 (in the case of the 18-55mm kit lens) and started with 15 second exposures and worked my way up. I got the best results around 20 seconds on an overcast day.
I still have to get the step-up ring and test with the 50mm which is supposedly better with IR.
Thats weird...
My meter on my D100 works fine with the infrared filter in place.