Stats Question
My stats are very very important to me. I cannot for the life of me figure out how many hits I have gotten on my site! Not the end of teh world but it is becoming vitally important for me to know how many hits I am getting per month. I have a ton of galleries so going througgh each gallery and tallying up hits is not an option and my server reports do not reflect any "share with friends" hits...obviously! Attached to this message is a shot of my stats for NOvember... Anybody thing they can tell me how many unique visitor hits I have gotten? I am teh webmaster for about 40-50 websites and a self proclaimed SEO engineer.... yep... Any help from anybody is GREATLy appreciated! I also hate having to load ALL my galleries to see the stats page. It woudl be very nice to see stats per gallery instead of having to see ALL galleries' stats! Make sense? SMugMug rules. Nothing else compares in my opinion. Anybody care to argue there is a better photo sharing product than SMugMug? :-)
Hits: 743075 C. Ratio: ~17% Bytes: 5.52 GB
Hits: 743075 C. Ratio: ~17% Bytes: 5.52 GB
Comments a planned part of the Smugmug Explorer development, statistics gathering and analysis tool will be introduced.
The primary reason for this feature not to be incorporated VERY soon is the absense of statistcis-related API. Smugmug Explorer alread can open desired album statistics page directly (it was VERY hard thing to do - (jk) :-), but for now I would have to do "screen scraping" (analyze raw HTML code), which is tedious, boring and unreliable process to say the least. I stll might do this, though, but if Don comes out with API, it would definitel speed things up.
So - don't despair. Help is coming. Just not today..
I must be missing something. Don't we already provide almost all of this? We provide global stats, per gallery stats, and even per image stats.
Particularly, I don't understand the "I also hate having to load ALL my galleries to see the stats page" ... ? Your stats page comes from your homepage, you shouldn't have to load any gallery pages.
I know I'm missing something. I'd love to help, but I can't figure out how.
Finally, unique visitors is something we occasionally hear requests for, but honestly, it's not something easily tracked. I've thought about it before, and I'll continue to think about it, but I haven't yet thought of a way to track this without it getting very complicated and expensive. For now, I'm afraid you'll have to stick with unique image views rather than unique visitors.
Yes sir, you do. On a monthly basis, though, and only via browser. With the aforementioned API I can cache data locally and then:
- provide nice custom charting
- provide alerts (hot, cold)
- provide reports
- etc. I can go pretty long here, I was in data mining once:-)
Once you're inside the gallery, you can't get that image's or gallery's stats. You need to go up, go to statistics, wait until it all loads (and even for the person like me, with less than 15K pictures uploaded, and T3 connection it may take a while and what would be when I finish to transfer my already album-spread archives?), then find the damn thing (and there is no way to sort them, they always go FIFO by gallery creation date), then click it, and then finally get the single gallery stats..In my app, I provide this service with one click (thanks to your simple statistics URL structure:-). But I'd like to get better:-)
Hope this helps!
One last thing... Iby looking at the statsgraphs... i can't tell even how many small hits I had. Look at my screenshot above. WHat does the number 31730 relate to? Or how about this? Have I had 63460 medium mages looked at? If so, what do I do with thta number? 63,000 mediums... well if I have 25-30,000 photos... then one person looking at every photo on my site could make 30k medium hits... I THINK I am making a mountain out of a mole hill, but truthfuilly, i am and have been severely confused.
AM I MISSING SOMETHING? Using my stats from above, what could you infer? They are actual stats. I am not looking for a feeature request as I don't think many folks are stats crazy like me, i am just looking for some help on how to interpret my stats. Thanks a TON in advance for any help as this is very important to my business. I just started using SM Explorer last week. Very cool! woooof!