Live Music @ Double Door

Three versions of the same basic pic from two captures.

I'm torn, I really like the B&W as it is so anti-neon all the while neon is the center of the pic. That said the color version is almost more ironic in that the only thing without color is the unlit neon sign.

I'm torn, I really like the B&W as it is so anti-neon all the while neon is the center of the pic. That said the color version is almost more ironic in that the only thing without color is the unlit neon sign.
Which do you think is the strongest image for challenge #74 "neon" 11 votes
I like your idea/concept and I know how you love B&W. But for a Challenge whose theme is neon, B&W probably isn't the best treatment
I moved this thread to the Challenge Forum. I believe more folks would like to comment. But wouldn't find this in the F&S Forum :-)
For me the un-lit sign is more powerful photographic conveyance than a lit sign. The fact that there is actually no neon in the pic yet everyone knows that it's a neon sign and what it would look like if the switch was flipped evidence that the concept works. I wanted to approach this from a persective other than the obvious captures of pink pink pinkity plink that are bound to show up. There was no PS manipulation of the colors (in the color version) and to me that's also a challenge within this challenge as I'd wager we will also see a slew of selectively and wildly manipulated color images. I'm sure one will probably win, but that's cool. While I am in love with B&W as a medium, I doubted that it could tell the tale as well as the color version. My financee confirmed that suspicion and that was really what i was asking for with this post. I'm very pleased with the un-lit sign concept, win or lose I really like the result I got chasing after "neon".