More midddle school soccer
From yesterday

D-50, D2H,D300
Nikon 50mm 1.8D
Sigma 120-300 2.8
Sigma 70-300-4-5.6
my Galleries
Nikon 50mm 1.8D
Sigma 120-300 2.8
Sigma 70-300-4-5.6
my Galleries
So I would PS in a ball in the last image (as long as you do not plan for this image to be used journalistically - gotta have a disclaimer - lol).
On the first shot I'd get a tighter crop. I would crop down from the top to about the ear level of the OOF defender and in from the left eliminating the green player ... this would give greater emphasis to #22 and effectively frame the left side of the image. On the second I'd lighten up the faces a bit and burn in the background and ball just a tad. The third I'd try to get centered ... so crop from the left to the edge of his hand and add more to the right if you can. #4 I'd darken up the keeper a bit.
These are nice images (an overcast day sure helps) my suggestions may or may-not work ... just something that may take your already good shots and make them a tiny bit better.
Unsharp at any Speed
I agree with another poster that the last one suffers for not having a ball in it. However, journalistic or not - IMO you should never photoshop a ball into a photo - sports photography, by it's nature is capturing a moment in time. Putting a ball, puck or other object into a frame is just dishonest.
The other photos are all more interesting captures than these 2 but also a lot softer. If you can get the timing of the other shots with the sharpness of these - those will be terrific shots.
Good job and keep shooting!
I agree with Gary . . open that lens up and that will help isolate your
players. I makes is more pleasing to the eye..Nice shots.