Ch.74 - neon - "Into the Light"

Alright folks. My first try at this week's challenge. On this photo, is DJ Keoki on the 1s and 2s. When I first took the photo, I thought the spotlight in the back ruined it, but instead it made it into a whole new/diff photo.
Anything to change? I already softned up the light a little by doing a bit of smudging. What you guys and gals think.
I have a good idea on a diff crop, but anything else you think I can enhance to make it better?
Anything to change? I already softned up the light a little by doing a bit of smudging. What you guys and gals think.
I have a good idea on a diff crop, but anything else you think I can enhance to make it better?
Shame its a picture of such a crappy
HAHA. well that night he was performing he sounded pretty good. i had nothing to drink and i was feeling like dancing
then again im more of a hip-hop guy, techno.rave.electronica isnt my cup of tea, but i liked it that night.
hmm.. i think i will crop it more and burn in some of the parts to make it all work. and hey.. you cant see his face so you wouldnt be able to tell any way slo yer roll. lol
Fits the category perfect... job done!
I'll let you guys/gals see what I come up with!
JMO and good luck in the challenge!
Well it wasnt my choice to shoot the event, that was what was given to me and it was what I shot, haha.
Thanks for keeping the criticism informative. lol