Aperture 1.5...where's Smugmug??
How come Smugmug isn't listed? Flickr is.
You can use these export plug-ins to expand your workflow. Following installation, Aperture automatically senses their presence and adds them to the Export menu, letting you take advantage of a wide range of additional services. For example, once you’ve installed the export plug-ins, Aperture immediately lets you:
Submit individual or groups of images to such stock agencies as iStockphoto
Store images online — on Photoshelter, for example — where they’re accessible to you 24/7 regardless of your location
Market your wedding photography business to thousands of prospective clients on Pictage.com
Transfer images to Digital Fusion for high-end post-production work — e.g., scanning, retouching, printing
Sell images directly through such online commercial services as PhotoShelter
How come Smugmug isn't listed? Flickr is.
Apparently Apple doesn't love us. They never told us about it or asked.
But sounds like it'd be a cinch for one of you hackers to whip up something using our API and theirs.
I've been LOVING Aperture since the 1.1 update and I'm rediculously excited about the changes being brought forth in 1.5. I would be VERY VERY VERY excited to see a way to interact with smugmug right inside Aperture, and I'm sure many other Aperture users would as well.
This looks like such an easy thing. It HAS to be made!!! I'll throw money at someone to make this even. Wish I had a lot, but heck, $20 easy
Need help testing? I'm here!!!!
I would gladly pay for a plugin that was extensive. If there was a plugin that allowed me to do everything I can already do in smugmug from a browser, but do it with aperture and have aperture communicating with smugmug's servers, it would be a match made in heaven. What smugmug user with aperture wouldn't drop another $50 to have such a time saving tool.
Apple has released the SDK! Now work can begin! Yay!!!!
I posted this in another thread about the features people would like in the plugin; but I just wanted to let you know that I am in the beginning phases of creating a Aperture plugin for SmugMug. I would love to hear other suggestions of features that users would like to see included. Based on my preliminary look at the API it will only allow for exporting from Aperture, not importing.
D Penny
THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! Yes, we need this Aperture plug in. I'm so excited to be able to test it out! It will definitely change my life :-)
However obviously don't expect much functionality from first beta.. more features will be available later
Can't wait to have this one. I can throw out a few basic feature requests, too.
Select export preset (size, quality, color profile)
select gallery
create new gallery with ability to set gallery options
I have simple needs right now for now. Something that works, and works reliably is all I need!
have you seen this thread:
http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=46674 ?
here are 3 threads about plugin, this seems to confuse visitors
Sorry to drag this up, but I thought I remembered you saying this Don.
how does that square with this:
There's a sweet plugin by pronvit now for Aperture
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I think the question (which I had too, but hadn't thought to ask) is how the two quotes jive together... they basically boil down to:
SmugMug: "Apparently Apple doesn't love us. They never told us about it or asked."
Apple: "We had already had discussions with SmugMug who couldn’t work directly with us, due to an existing marketing program with another company"
I guess the further question is: who decided that was a restriction? Did Apple decide SmugMug wasn't someone they wanted to deal with because SmugMug was already working with Adobe? Or does something in SmugMug's deal with Adobe prevent them from working with Apple.
(and yeah, Don, I'm pretty sure you couldn't answer that even if you wanted to...
Not accusing just asking.
Oh..and I prefer this one.