lost picture order
what is the 800 phone number to smug mug
my client has not recieved her order and its been a while the order number is 163960, i was going to call and cannot find the phone number
please email me with info
what is the 800 phone number to smug mug
my client has not recieved her order and its been a while the order number is 163960, i was going to call and cannot find the phone number
please email me with info
Hi dbora,
That order shipped on Wed, Aug 30, 2006 3:51pm, to the address that the customer gave us.
We don't have an 800 number, or any phone number. All support is done though help@smugmug.com 365days a year, including all major holidays.
If you or your customer simply emails us, we take care of things really fast. In this case, 14 days from shipment has gone by, so we would issue a reprint no problem.
EDIT: I see that you have emailed us and that Dustin replied to you.
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thanks andy dustin will reship