Big Apple street shots

havent had any time to shoot the last few weeks, so I've just been goin through some stuff i took this summer that i never edited.
Follow the Boombox - Coney Island, Summer '06

This biker found a nice quiet stretch of road in midtown, that rises above the street below on an elevated road that goes thru the pan-am building...

Alone in the Park:
this guy was in a crowded washington square park, belting out a massacred version of what he was hearing in his headphones. massacred both in tone and in adding a mish-mash of his own words tot he songs. after the quaintness of this citylife moment ended, we had to move, it was a bit annoying
Follow the Boombox - Coney Island, Summer '06

This biker found a nice quiet stretch of road in midtown, that rises above the street below on an elevated road that goes thru the pan-am building...

Alone in the Park:
this guy was in a crowded washington square park, belting out a massacred version of what he was hearing in his headphones. massacred both in tone and in adding a mish-mash of his own words tot he songs. after the quaintness of this citylife moment ended, we had to move, it was a bit annoying

Unsharp at any Speed
Nice images, especially like image 1. The composition is good and I like the content. Ian :ivar
Use Canon EOS 1Ds Mk1,10D, Nikon D100, plus Nikon F and F2. Sigma 10-20EX DG HSM, Sigma 15-30 EX DG, Sigma 75-300 APO DG...:barb
The black and white picture is very good.
The other seems unbalanced to me.
i only looked at the biker and he looked straight so i blocked out the rest of the shot.
gonna have to fix it later.
*Canon 40D: 17-55IS - 70-300IS - 100mm Macro - Sigma 10-20EX
"AMATEURS try till they get it right, PROS try till they cannot possibly get it wrong."
Gallery -
One likes a photo, the other doesn't.
Diversity, democracy, respect for the other people's opinions.
this shot is from coney island, summer '06
*Canon 40D: 17-55IS - 70-300IS - 100mm Macro - Sigma 10-20EX
This is nice
You've got an original style in your photographs that I really like. #1 is my favorite, followed by #4. But they are all good.
Setup: One camera, one lens, and one roll of film.