Challenge 74: Neon Eyes in the Dark (comments wanted)

Was playing around with an idea since I am not near any neon lighting (that I think would make a good subject). So am playing around with using camera flash in a vary dark room to give me just enough contrast and highlights to use a "glowing edges" filter and changing the hue a bit.

Date Taken:2006-09-24 12:46:02Date Digitized:2006-09-24 12:46:02Date Modified:2006-09-24 12:46:02Make:SONYModel: DSC-H5 Size: 2135x2304 Bytes: 1110600 Aperture: f/3.5 ISO: 100 Focal Length: 47.1mm Exposure Time: 0.0166s (10/600)JPEG Quality:8Flash:UnknownExposure Program:Normal programExposure Bias:0ExposureMode:0LightSource:0White Balance:autoContrast:0Saturation:0Sharpness:0ColorSpace:sRGB

Date Taken:2006-09-24 12:46:02Date Digitized:2006-09-24 12:46:02Date Modified:2006-09-24 12:46:02Make:SONYModel: DSC-H5 Size: 2135x2304 Bytes: 1110600 Aperture: f/3.5 ISO: 100 Focal Length: 47.1mm Exposure Time: 0.0166s (10/600)JPEG Quality:8Flash:UnknownExposure Program:Normal programExposure Bias:0ExposureMode:0LightSource:0White Balance:autoContrast:0Saturation:0Sharpness:0ColorSpace:sRGB
Since so much pp has been done on this.Try blacking out the entire area except the eyes, and blow them out then use extrude or something like that.
Good luck on the challenge.
Cropped a bit more, airbrushed the curtains out and adjusted contrast.