Our little guy... (Isn't so little anymore )

As parents of 5 kids... We thought we'd be so happy as they all gained independance. Wrong. Our baby is now 5. Where has the time gone? My days are filled with an empty house and a quietness that I'm not sure I'll ever get used to.
This was this morning before school. The colored one is out of the camera, the other is obviously converted.

This was this morning before school. The colored one is out of the camera, the other is obviously converted.

Missy Ü
Woody: I]pauses and looks incredulous[/I YOU. ARE. A. TO-YYYYY! You aren't the real Buzz Lightyear! You're - you're just an action figure!
I]holds hand up to eyes indicating something small[/I
Woody: You are a child's play-thing!
Buzz: You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity. Farewell.
Woody: Oh, yeah? Well, good riddance, ya loony.
I know what you mean... Our little girl has started school and the house is too quiet. It is both happy and sad. Where did the time go?
I love the B&W conversion. Well done and thanks for sharing...
It's sure different huh? !! TFL
I love me some Toy Story! My one daughter is autistic and this is her obsession! Lord help us!
12th?!! Try after the 1012th time! My first son grew up with Barney...try that!
I just picked the number 12. I can relate to 1012th
My oldest son (is 12) and he grew up with Barney as well. (and lion king and 101 Dalmations). I swore if I had to watch Barney Live in NYC one more time, I was going to strangle someone!