Very interesting treatment. I would have loved to have seen a larger version.
Harry member How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Harry, I've edited the original post to include a larger version. This is simply a black and white conversion performed in Lightroom, with some healing brush work in PS to clean it up.
Thanks Awais, I was pleased that this shot actually turned out the way I intended when shooting it, I purposely spot metered the bird so the background would under expose and I'd be able to black it out.
Comments NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
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Thanks for sharing.
Thomas Fuller.
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