U 13 soccer
one of the 3 different games I went to. Weather went from sun, clouds, rain & back in a blink of an eye.

Does anyone else hear the old "Charle's Angels" music when they look at this one?

The thing that bothers me the most is the purple haze. How the hell do I get rid of it. shooting or pp, either way

Does anyone else hear the old "Charle's Angels" music when they look at this one?

The thing that bothers me the most is the purple haze. How the hell do I get rid of it. shooting or pp, either way
**If I keep shooting, I'm bound to hit something**
Avoiding PF can be tough. It seems to occur most often using fast, wide open apertures. The harsher the light, the more high contrast edges you will have. It is pretty easy to clean up this small amount of PF. I use one of Shay's PF actions. I used it on your last pic and it cleaned up those blue to white jersey transitions nicely. I did however need to paint the blue back in the jerseys
I had the premier PF camera of all time, and I usually fixed PF during post-processing.
Our own Shay Stephens has developed an action that removes purple fringing. He too used the camera I alluded to above
Unsharp at any Speed