Congrats Andy

on Kodak POTD, ( sorry if I missed the thread announcing your win )

hey ed, thanks so much
oh and the capper, my wife is a huge fan of sting (she's listening to sting in the pic) and so i got an autographed guitar from sting and also this pic signed by him (i took it at a concert in nyc back in march...)
my wife has always told me that i never do enough on her bday - well, i hope this gets me in the plus column
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I can't wait to hear the whole story.. well maybe not the WHOLE story
Cincinnati Smug Leader
(i think i got jipped in the husband department!!!!
what a sureal life you amerian's lead - POTD in Times Square, shows on Broadway, tiffiany boxes, hotel suites, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SIGNED BY STING!!!!!!! ...................... phew. i'm exhausted.
Have a fab night andy's wife!
i'll just go sweap the gum leaves off the porch and feed the chooks..... :cry
Canon EOS 30D
Sigma 10-20
Canon 75-300 f4-5.6
Canon 18-55
Canon 50 f1.8
Canon 430EX
SO ANDY!!! WAS IT WONDERFUL?? DID SHE LOVE IT?? TELL US THE WHOLE STORY FROM THE VERY BEGGINNING... AND DON'T MISS ANYTHING OUT (EXCEPT THE NAUGHTY PARTS.. WE DON'T NEED TO HEAR ABOUT THAT)...WELL MAYBE SID DOES.. DID YOU GET A SHOT OF HER UP IN KODAKS POTD?? WAS IT A SURPRISE? WAS SHE STUNNED? WHAT DID YOU ORDER FOR DINNER... WAS THE WAITER CUTE?? :cry I wanna go to the Waldorf.. I want blue boxes and be thin...oh well.. have to make do with the local fish and chips..... I'll dig out me high heels.. maybe that'll help
gave my camera to a passerby and he got this of us... the beginning of a great night...
afterwards we enjoyed a wonderful dinner at victor's a top-shelf
cuban restaurant in the theater district. we dined, laughed, and
celebrated how lucky we are, and especially how lucky i am to have
such a wonderful life partner. after dinner, we took in a musical ... hairspray .. which had us laughing so hard and rolling in the aisles! i highly recommend this show
after the show, i got us in a taxi, and said "the waldorf, please..." nancy didn't know that i had a bag of her things packed by one of her friends, delivered into the city to the hotel, and also arranged for an overnight babysitter for our five-year-old boy
it was a *great* night.
thanks so very much for asking!
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I just read the whole thing to my husband who walked away saying oh bloody hell ... that it.. he's just [email="*$#@*%"]*$#@*%[/email] it up for everyone!!
.. a beautiful diamond solitaire necklace.. from tiffany's.
this last was partly due to the fact that i blew $8K on a 1ds mark II
so, my camera gear essentially costs me double!
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thanks for the nice post, i appreciate your comments very much.
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The money it cost, well, money is only important when it is enjoyed:cry , just kidding on the little crying critter. I am serious, we need money, but the real importance is not the I am glad you earned yourself a lovely night, usually only read about in novels.
And your wife, she must be a beautiful person, I know she looks beautiful from your photo, but she must be truly, wholly, beautiful.
(PS, I wondered all evening how it was going.)
you're even making MY knees go weak!
Sounds like you had a fantastic evening, congratulations on the KPOTD and Birthday wishes to your wife
That's it. My husband's getting a talking to tonight. I'm going to read this thread to him too Lynn! I'm sure I'll get the same kind of reaction!
(very glad you had a great night Andy! )
Canon EOS 30D
Sigma 10-20
Canon 75-300 f4-5.6
Canon 18-55
Canon 50 f1.8
Canon 430EX
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I think it needs to be moved to the hall of wisdom!
For all the women out there that need reassurance that romance is still alive in the 21st century (and to hold it against their respective husbands! - of course!)
Canon EOS 30D
Sigma 10-20
Canon 75-300 f4-5.6
Canon 18-55
Canon 50 f1.8
Canon 430EX
A starter ... get Wxwax to organise the snow and get some reindeer to pull a sleigh somewhere romantic, do not get rid of children completely, mothers are tolerant of their own at the right time, like to sing happy birthday in the restaurant as a supprise. Then to have them wisked away by a very capable babysitter, not one of those ones that spend all night on the phone to the b'friend, so the missus can't check on them.
Good luck, it will take some beating
it's a great plan! i would modify it a bit though, i think that sid should dress up as a reindeer and pull the sleigh
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i had a chance to process one of the raw files...
a great night, thanks again to all of you
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And Sting's guitar too? And a necklace, and a night out on the town, and a show and dinner? Her face up in lights above the Marriott? Wow, she must have been totally surprised and amazed.
That was supposed to be a jumping up and down smilie! Oh well...
Oh, just click, don't drag. Got it now.
Thank you, Andy. I've been telling your story to friends. Even my wife, without fear of having you one-up you!
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